Page 46 of Monsters Before Men

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His words vibrated along her skin, filling her with anticipation. His arms straightened, lifting his heavy body from hers. She resisted the temptation to lie back and welcome his wicked, talented tongue. Instead, she licked her lips and gazed meaningfully down his body. “I want to do the devouring.”

He grinned. “Are you certain?”

“I’m feeling snacky,” she teased, and pushed against his chest.

He rolled over rather dramatically and fell to his back as if she had overpowered him. He was no longer semi-aroused but full-blown erect. She crawled to his side and wrapped her hand around the impressive length, eager to try her hand at pleasing him this way.

Frequent, vigorous sex and some sort of subtle demon mysticism helped her lower body accommodate him, but throats didn’t work the same way.

As her doctorate proved, Alyssa was not a quitter.

Determination filled her in tandem with the surge of lust that hummed through her from the sight of Drastos, naked and waiting for her mouth.

She pressed a kiss to the broad head of his eager, twitching cock. Drastos tapped the leg closest to him, signaling her to change places. His preferred position involved placing herself in what she’d previously seen as an undignified position. Marriage to a demon had cured her of most of her inhibitions, however, so she straddled his muscular chest and settled over him.

He was roughly two feet taller than her, making mutual oral impossible, but he liked to see and play with her when she went down on him. True to habit, he gently sunk a clawed fingertip into her before she’d reclaimed her hold. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his teasing. His claws weren’t razor sharp but dulled. Still, they could rip and tear. It was like being fucked with a weapon. She’d embraced the madness of her choice in wedding a demon, though, and didn’t fear his touch. He’d never hurt her without bringing pleasure in excess.

Opening her eyes, she wrapped both hands around him and felt the texture of his shaft change. In the early stages of arousal, it was smooth, but he was already past that, anxious as he was for her mouth.

She licked the mushroomed crown and trailed her tongue up and down his length, feeling the ridges hidden beneath his dark skin become prominent. She squeezed her hand around his base and pumped up, causing the ridges to retreat. Once he neared climax, they’d remain raised and hard, making withdrawal rough. Drastos had explained that demon mating was feistier than humans’, and their anatomy reflected that. On the same vein, male demons enjoyed oral sex so much that their cocks didn’t engorge to full size if stimulated by a mouth. Drastos was still huge, but by comparison he was currently,theoretically, manageable.

Spit trickled from her tongue as she laved him, coating him to ease her efforts. Once satisfied, she wrapped her lips around his crown and sucked gently. A guttural groan rumbled behind her, filling her with bubbly delight. She sank further down, taking him inch by thick inch.

She’d never managed to deepthroat him before, but felt lucky tonight. Bobbing slowly up and down, her hands mimicking her motion lower down his shaft, she enjoyed the feel of him and his salty pre-spend. He worked two fingers into her, and the distraction helped her sink into the hypnotic headspace she needed.

His cock flexed at the back of her throat. She didn’t gag, but the sensation was uncomfortable. Of all the lessons she’d learned in her sexual adventures with Drastos, the key was that rough, passionate sex rarely looked pretty. She had to accept the tears and sweat—and in this case, the tears and drooling and choking—to reach nirvana. She half-whimpered as she sank down on him. Each determined bob sent him deeper than he’d ever been before, and closer to her dark fantasy.

Before her lips met her hands, she pulled back with a gasp. Lips parted, she breathed heavily against him, catching her breath. Her head spun and her ears rang.

“Fuck,” Drastos groaned.

His voice was muffled as if he spoke through water. She was in her own world. Her skin tingled, charged with chaotic, lust-driven energy. She took him into her mouth again, deeper. His length slid against the walls of her throat and sent a ripple of awareness through her. Going down on him wasn’t his pleasure alone. She was dripping wet for him.

She moaned, and the vibration made his cock jerk. Drastos shook beneath her.

“Mine,” he snarled.



There was nothing quite like a sultry woman’s throat clamping and moaning around one’s cock to snap the tether of self-control.

Drastos’ neck arched back as a shudder ran through him. Alyssa wanted this. She wanted to suck him dry. It was her fantasy, her terms. However, he was ademon. He would take control. It was inevitable.

She’d pushed him over the edge, and he was no longer satisfied to lie back and toy with her sweet cunt while she worked her magic and worshipped his cock. He wanted to fuck her pretty mouth and force her to swallow every drop of his seed—take what he wanted.

Reaching down, he buried his hand in her thick black curls. Mesmerized by the sight of her glistening wet cunt, he guided her head up and down in the perfect rhythm, feeding his desire for control. Her throat was a vise, and he gritted his teeth at the tight sensation on the sensitive ridges along his length. She was too perfect. He didn’t deserve this, and yet he’d make the most of it because he was a greedy demon.

Her hand pressed into his thigh, and she rose slightly. The movement distracted him, and he gripped her arm to hold her where he wanted. He pushed her head back down through the resistance. Deeper, faster. His eyes clenched shut, and he focused only on the feel of gliding in and out of her throat. Spit trickled down his sac. She was nearing her limit. So was he.

He held her hair and pushed her all the way down. His hips flexed and arched up—he couldn’t help it. He held her shaking body as he used her mouth, fucking her throat in rough desperation.

Their marital union formed a mental bond between them, and though he rarely pried into her thoughts or emotions, she was mentally screaming at the moment. She would black out,and her body was panicking, but she didn’t want him to stop. He would, however, hurry.

With a last shove, her soft lips hit the base of his shaft, and he threw his head back and roared. A wildfire of pleasure tunneled through his spine and exploded, sending hot jets of his seed down her welcoming throat. With the ecstasy came overwhelming dizziness, and though his cock still twitched and spilled, he yanked Alyssa free.

She gasped for breath, but the magnitude of his climax—she could rival a succubus for the way she drained and satisfied him—left him slow to recover.

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