Page 60 of Pop and Pour

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Marco gave methelook. The one that was supposed to be a clear reminder of the question he’d asked me on Wednesday. He’d caught me staring at Brooke from across the tasting room and pretty much did what Marco had been born to do. Rattle my cage until I had no choice but to lash out.

The discussion had been civil until he laid it on the line.

“Brooke is perfect for Grado, and you know it. You’re not asking her to stay because you can’t continue to fuck her if you do.”

I’d nearly punched him. I could count the number of times I’d wanted to punch my brother over the years, and it wasn’t many. But that night, the urge had been strong.

“She’s more than a fuck buddy, asshole,” I’d said.

“Seems to me you have three choices then. Let her leave and try to date her from three and a half hours away. Ask her to stay and set a bad example for your staff. Or put a ring on it.”

I’d been pissed because Marco had been right, even if his crass delivery left a lot to be desired.

I’d already thought of all three options, and none appealed.

If Brooke left, there was no way we could make it work. If she stayed, this sneaking around couldn’t continue. I was a shitty example as it was, and if anyone other than my family found out, my credibility would, understandably, be shot to hell.

And marriage?

Yeah, I’d thought about that too. And promptly dismissed the idea. One simply did not marry a woman they’d known for a few weeks. Maybe if she went back to the city, and we continued to date, to get to know each other...but in my heart I knew that wouldn’t work. Brooke was one hell of a catch, and some guy who wasn’t a total dickhead like her ex would surely snatch her up. But I couldn’t have my cake and eat it too.

Which left the only one viable alternative.

If Brooke stayed, our relationship had to end. The thought of seeing her, not being able to touch made me physically ill. I said that very thing to Marco, but he’d had a thought about that too.

“You aren’t the only factor in this equation, Cos. Let Brooke decide what to do. It’s her life.”

Of course it was. But I’d be a fool not to at least consider all of the consequences.

“Give us a sec,” I said to my brother now.

He didn’t need to blast another warning look my way. I was fully aware something had to give.

“You really are scaring me,” Brooke said, sitting. After Marco left, I didn’t go to her, even though I wanted nothing more. There was no way I could think clearly with her in my arms.

“No need to be scared,” I said. “But we do need to talk.” By her expression, it was clear she knew what this was about. “I have a board meeting tonight, the Seneca Lake Wineries Association.”

“As far as talks go, that wasn’t so bad. You have a meeting. Great.” She pretended to stand. “Have fun.”

“Brooke,” I sighed, and she sat back down.

“Crap. I totally thought that was it.” Her smile was sad, echoing my own thoughts about this long-overdue discussion.

“I wish,” I said. Drawing it out wasn’t helping matters, so I just laid it all out for her. “Marco wants me to ask you to stay on as Grado’s marketing director. That’s what he wanted me to talk to you about.”

“Marco wants me to stay?”

“And Neo. And Dominica. And Thayle and Maci. Everyone, basically.”

“Everyone except you?”

My eyes dropped to the edge of my desk. Since that night, I’ve never looked at it the same. And never would.

“I’d like nothing more than for you to stay. To move to Grado Valley permanently. To be our new marketing director.”


“You know what the ‘but’ is, Brooke.”

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