Page 59 of Pop and Pour

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I had been too afraid to explore the possibilities. So instead, I said, “Of course,” and tried my best to avoid the topic any further.

“There you are,” I said, finding Cos behind the desk next to Perry.

“I was just coming back out,” he said. “Actually, I want to show you something first.”

“You’re not wearing your glasses,” I said, following Cosimo to his office.

“I’ve got my contacts in.”

“You have contacts?”

We went into his office, and Cos closed the door. He didn’t even bother turning on the light. The second the door was closed, he pushed me gently against it. His lips covered mine in a claiming kiss that had been too long in coming today. We’d been busier than usual for a Wednesday.

His hand slipped under my shirt, my bra not a hindrance to him at all. He pulled down the lace fabric and used his thumb to make my nipple peak. Then, lifting my shirt even more, Cos replaced his hand with his mouth. Circling, teasing and drawing one, and then the other, breast into his spell. They had a mind of their own, showing Cosimo how eager they were to play.

I was too. But we’d be noticed missing soon.

Reluctantly, I pulled his head up. Our exchanged glance was one of lust, but also regret for a situation that, at times like this, sucked.

“We could leave,” he said. “Go back to my place.”

“Too obvious.”

Cos groaned, lowering my bra and shirt back in place.

“Later,” he said. “You’ll come over?”

As if it was really a question. Most nights we were either at his place or mine, with the exception of the nights he went out with his brothers. Except for one night last week when there had been a benefit, hosted by Dorothy and her ladies, that he’d wanted to take me to. But I told him to go without me, that it would be good for me to spend some time alone.

To think. To attempt to sort out this mess. I’d resolved that night to confront Cos directly the next day about where things stood between us. But it had been a Tuesday and Cos surprised me with another day off. This time, the boat had been filled with both Neo and Thayle, as well as Marco and his current girlfriend. We winery-hopped by boat, which had been so much fun. The more serious talk would have to wait. And it did, indefinitely. Every time I wanted to bring it up, I also knew it could be the beginning of the end too.

“Of course,” I said. Maybe tonight I’d bring up the job, see what Cos said. But when he kissed me one last time, and I thought of this being our last one, I changed my mind.

I’d confront him tomorrow.



“You have to ask her,”Marco said for the millionth time, sitting down in my office.

“I can’t.”

“You can’t, or you won’t?”

“Ask me what?” Brooke strolled into my office wearing my favorite sundress of hers. She knew I loved that dress.


This ticking time bomb that was July, now over as of today, meant that Marco was right. I couldn’t avoid it any longer.

These past few weeks had been the best, and worst, of my life. Late nights sneaking off to Brooke’s cabin. Private late-night wine tastings, this time uninterrupted. Whenever Brooke came into a room, like now, the world felt right. As if everything was in its place.

And yet, the black cloud of Brooke’s return to the city hung over us. Last week, Brooke had a new job offer she would be crazy to refuse. I was torn between begging her to stay, knowing it would jeopardize our budding relationship if I did, and letting her go, which would mean I was no longer her boss.

After weeks of wading through applications, and with Jena now officially no longer an employee of Grado Valley, my siblings had begun a full-court press to ask Brooke to stay on. Even Min, who wasn’t in the country, had joined the others in ganging up on me.

Once the words were out of my mouth, I wouldn’t be able to take them back. It had been bad enough I’d already tried to unhire her once, and I couldn’t do it again.

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