Page 38 of Her Protector

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I think the sack of seed he’s just planted in me is gonna be his greatest gift.

For both of us, forever.



She’s mine.

And I’m all hers. Forever on call now, ready to please her. To hold her, to kiss her or just to look at her to let her know.

I love her.

I can say it now because no other words could ever come close.

Not the mushy, flowers and candy kind of guff people spout when they’re trying to get some.

I mean actual love.

Two souls merging. And in doing that, I know we’ve opened the door for a third.

I know I’ve just put a baby in her belly and it’s nothing to do with any psychic vision.

I’d defy any egg not to fertilize and start growing doused with that much baby batter.

My balls are well and truly drained. My seed planted and my heart so full, so proud of her I know it can never break or feel empty. Not ever again.

But more important than any of that.

She’s mine.

This thing between us just got the forever stamp. And together, I know Megan and I can do anything now.

That anything being whatever she wants. Whenever she wants.

Not a girl anymore, she’s my woman. And Harry Holmes has never had to prove it, but she’ll soon see for herself just what that means.

I hold her until her breathing slows. Her little squeaks and mews tell me I’ve done good here.

Her rump pressing back into me now and the purrs she gives before drifting into a sleep only the recently deflowered can know tells me that she’ll be ready to do it all again, and soon.

Lying naked with her until the brightness of the large bedroom glows with the amber of twilight, I feel like I can finally relax.

I watch her sleep until I can’t see her anymore in the dark.

My hands tracing gently over her, memorizing this new language we’ve made into something only we’ll ever know or understand.

Easing myself up off the bed to shut off the now freezing air conditioning, Megan reaches for me in her sleep. Pouting a little until the smile I know and love returns to her face.

Her hands clutching at the pillow my head was just on. Pulling it closer to herself before she slips deeper into a dream that I know is all about us.

Standing at the window when I can bear to turn away from her, the city skyline looks dim.

A cloudless sky sprayed with stars that used to seem brighter, I’m sure.

And although I can’t hear them, the pops and bursts of distant fireworks near the bay try hard to flash an inkling of the natural brilliance above them.

“Bit late for that,fireworks….,” I smile to myself, turning to look at Megan again.

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