Page 39 of Her Protector

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We just made our own. Right here in our bed.

Knowing that she’s the brightest and only light for me now.

Nothing can or ever will come close. And we’ve just made a bigger light shine even brighter.

The baby I know I just put inside her.

I just fucking…


I cock my head suddenly. As if I’m waiting to hear the answer.

The ‘reply’ of my little gift I most always get and constantly.

That psychic thing that’s been with me since I can remember. And way before I grew up and became a cop.

But there’s nothing.

No neon signs in my mind with messages.

No dead eyes staring back at me. And most noticeable of all, no pleading voices or clawing hands of victims from all the cases I either never worked or just couldn’t get to in time.

Finally quiet.

Gone. And for good.

I knowthatmuch somehow.

And somehow too, I know that whatever it was. A gift or a curse. It stayed with me long enough in life to find all I really came for.


It’s the kind of quiet I never thought I’d know in this life. And far from being worried or even annoyed, I may have lost my special power.

Looking over at Megan, I feel nothing but sheer relief.

There’s nothing after her. No shadows chasing her, and definitely no psycho scratch ticket killer on the loose.

Those three victims? I think once Frank does report back, we’re gonna learn something more than just who they were.

The face in the darkness looking back at me in the mirrored wardrobe is my own for once.

The smile is wide and the eyes are calm.

“Harry and Megan….,” I whisper. As if it’s the magic words to banish the gift, to break the spell for good and forever.

‘Cause that what’s taken its place now. Megan.

For good and forever.

My real gift. Her.



Covering her with some sheets to keep her warm, I watch her for I don’t care how long because it could never be long enough before I walk around the stadium sized apartment.

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