Page 21 of Below the Surface

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"I was did you say it... 'fresh' as you were." He chuckles this time as I turn over to glare at him. "Although the thought of a centuries-old dragon as being anything close to fresh is delightfully funny."

I sit up and take the sheet with me. Somehow I am constantly naked around this man.

"The notion I wanted something 'fresh' to snack on is absurd. You are my only, and will be my only, snack for the rest of our lives."

"Are you telling me...?" The way he handled my body, the way he knew everything to do just right, there is no way he's...

"A virgin too. Yes, I was as you were." I tentatively poke at his mind to find out if I can tell if he is lying to me. All I see is confusion over why I find it so hard to believe. "We only have one true mate - the other half of our soul. Our one true reason for existing."

So he was never with...another woman before me. I am his only. His only.

He walks over to me and tilts my face up so I can look into his beautiful gray eyes. They seem sad and I find that my heart aches a little bit because of it, "Oh I wish you could know as solidly as I know how we belong together. That you are my missing piece I have waited years to find."

His other half. The thought pings around in my head filling it with...light and sunshine.

"I...I do." Somewhere deep down inside of me, I can feel how connected we are to one another. I felt it when I fell and his resting place was where I reached for. I somehow knew he would make everything alright. That he would save me and...complete me too. "I felt you from the moment I stepped into the castle...maybe before. Something was pulling me you."

I can feel how happy my words make him. But there is still that fear dwelling inside of me. Why me? Is it just because he has no other choice?

He throws his head back and laughs making me realize he is still doing that thing he does where we slip in and out of one another's thoughts. "What makes the stars decide to shine? Why does the Earth turn instead of standing still? Some things are meant to be. They just are and nothing can be done to change them - like how I feel about you when I look at you, how I am so certain that... I love you."

Damn, he's good!

He bends lower to take my mouth with his. Before I can stop myself I'm mumbling against his lips, "Love you too."

"What was that?" he pulls back so he can look down at me.

"Oh, now you have issues looking inside my mind."

The smile that stretches across his face makes my heart race. "I want to hear you say it."

I narrow my eyes at him and give him what he wants, "I love you too."

He lets out a whoop before picking me up and twirling me around the room. By the time both of us have caught our breath our mouths have found each other and I have drawn my legs up to wrap them around him. Sofia knocks softly on the door putting a stop to what was about to happen and I feel a hollow pang inside that I'm missing his love.

"Some visitors have come to the castle, Ma...Sir."

I can feel Dorin's exasperation with her not using his name. Something tells me Sofia realizes this and it's why she does it.

"You'll never have to miss my love. It's always here for you, growing every day." With just a look he has my body on the edge of release.

"I am pretty sure it's your brother...Sir."

"Brother? Which one?"

"Which one? How many do you have?" Before he can answer a familiar voice bounces down the halls. "Jossie?"

I start for the door but Dorin pulls me back against him with a gruff clearing of his throat. "Clothes, little flower, clothes."

I give him a nod but secretly smile at the fact he's just as jealous as I am about him. I throw on one of the shirts he hands me realizing too late that it is one of his and yank on a pair of leggings - not that I would need them since his shirt pretty much goes to my knees. I look down. Maybe a little below my knees really.

When we come out and head down the hall I can hear another voice - this one a lot deeper than Jossie's- talking to Sofia. "We're going to have a formal ceremony in the village as soon as possible."

"Formal ceremony? That does sound...festive." I can almost see Sofia start planning. I wonder who's getting married and almost trip over my own feet when I spot my friend sitting in the lap of a giant of a man. He's almost as big as...well, my Dragon.

Jossie spots me and lets out a squeal that would shatter glass before running for me. I would fall over if not for Dorin being behind me. "Lillie! Oh my goodness, how are you here? Is this the place you've been staying at?" Her eyes lift to the man behind me. "Holy shit! Did you get one too?"

"I'm so confused."

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