Page 20 of Below the Surface

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Dillon has lost his damned mind! Ranting and screaming at me about everything I took away from him. He's taken my happy ever after, shouldn't I be the one screaming and crying? Shouldn't I be sad that I don't get to share a long life with Drake and do all the things he talked about mates doing together? My heart breaks as I think about the lost opportunities - our wedding, old age, and children. The last wrenches my heart in two. And pisses me off.

Take it out!

At first, I think he is talking to Dillon but I quickly realize he's talking to me through our mental link.

Take out the spear, my love.

"I can't." Everything is unsteady around me. I'm not sure if it's because Drake is really fucking pissed or if it's because I am going into shock over the fact I'm about to die.

Yes, you can. Do you think whatever power made me would give me a weak mate, one so easily harmed? And you were made for me, weren't you love?"

I look down at the spear sticking out of my body obscenely. I wrapped my hands around it as soon as dipshit stuck it in but now I see the shaft turning red like it's getting hot. Dillon feels it because he yanks his hands back and stares down at them in shock at how badly he is burned.

Josie, for our child, pull it out!

Oh my God! I didn't even think about already being pregnant. I start to move the pole away from me. It hurts but I'm not dying. I look up into Drake's bright blue eyes and pull harder this time taking the spear all the way out. The thing clangs to the ground and Dillon is still standing in front of me with scared, shocked eyes. Right in front of my eyes, the wound caused by the spear seals itself up, a wisp of smoke curling around it.


"You're my mate, Josie. Have you ever heard of something called a phoenix, a beautiful free creature that walks through fire to awaken a new person every day? We share our power with our mates and you chose fire. My sweet Josie."

Wait a minute, "You mean I could have flown? Damn!"

Drake chuckles, "Besides, he stabbed you in the heart and you don't have that anymore. It belongs to me. My greatest treasure." His words have a smile stretching across my face. They are so true!

"What are we going to do about him?" Minnie looks like she is about to wipe shit off the bottom of her shoe when she looks at him.

"My love?" Drake will do whatever I want.

"Being locked away seems like the worst thing to him, let him live with the knowledge me and you are happy and he can never be free - or just eat him. It doesn't matter to me." I give Drake a smile but I'm not kidding. Whatever happens to Dillon doesn't concern me. He can't harm me and my dragon, not when we are surrounded by so much love and good people who care for us. Then I remember Drake changing in front of him and grow worried. Maybe the only way to be safe is to kill him, "But he's seen you, won't he tell?"

"People will think he's lost his bloomin' mind. Serves him right for coming into someone's house and using a spear on them." Minnie snips at him. "I'll make sure John takes him back to the police and locks him away. You two go off and make me more babies."

"More babies?" Her words bring back the thing Drake said to me when he was trying to talk me through pulling the spear free, "Am I...?"

Drake comes close and reaches for me. I go willingly. He gives me a happy little nod and all of a sudden, I don't need to fly to feel like I am soaring.

We make it up to our room taking clothes off as we go. I'm so lucky with all that has happened today. Lucky enough to maybe try taking both at once. I can tell Drake hears my thoughts because he moans at the mental images I am sending to him of me bent over the bed with one of his long, thick cocks sliding in my pussy as the other slides in my ass.


He pushes me down on the bed and starts eating me like a starving man. He has me ready and willing to try anything in no time. His wide finger slips inside of my asshole as his tongue fucks me through a second orgasm. I love his tongue, especially when he is using it to fuck me like I can tell he wants to with his dicks. Before I know it he is slipping two inside and then three. The burn his fingers cause spreading my unused muscles wide just makes me hotter.

I feel him line himself up and push first one and then the other inside just a bit. I cry out at the feeling of being stuffed so fully, of having Drake surround me everywhere, at the feeling of two cocks unfurling those yummy barb thingies inside of me and I can't stop the onrush of the biggest orgasm of my life from hitting me hard. My release causes Drake to swell more and release with me. In the afterglow of our love, and I mean that literally since both of us appear to be glowing, I hold my Dragon tight to me and tell him I love him.

"I love you too, my treasure."

Chapter Twenty



Consciousness comes to me just as slowly as the first time I was with Dorin. This time I can tell things are different. This time my body is letting me know it has been good and used. I roll to my side and try to fight the tears back that want to burst free. Used is a good word for how I am feeling right now. For Dorin this is nothing...special - I'm not something special - this is just natural for him. A natural response to the kind of creature he is. Like sharks having to constantly swim and wild things attacking even those who have once been friends.

Laughter floats to me through the air and my spine stiffens at the realization he is in the room with me. "My little Flower, our kind only mate once...for life."

Images of a different kind float through my mind and I can tell they come from him. Animals that have one mate for the rest of their lives - doves, swans, owls, wolves, sea horses...lots of birds on that list. I try to figure out what it all means when he interrupts my thoughts once again.

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