Page 34 of Crash

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Easton’s eyes connect with mine as he kisses up her neck, a nasty grin spreading over his face. I look away. My breaths starts to come in short pants. My chest aches and my vision blurs.

“Hey!” Mark shouts, shaking me. “Breathe, Jasmine,” he whispers into my face as my lungs struggle for air.

He curses, lifting me up into his arms. I am having a panic attack; I know the feeling all too well. If I could just release it with… He sits me in his car, raising my hands above my head as my vision turns muggy. I am going to pass out.

“Look at me.” Mark pats my cheek and my eyes pop open. “Breathe with me, in and out.” I struggle at first and then, finally, I start to calm down. Breathing is easier. “Good,” Mark whispers, planting a kiss to my forehead. “Scared the fuck out of me.” He hugs me to his chest, and I bury myself into his warmth.

How am I going to do this?

“Now, let’s go. We have an empire to run.” Mark smirks as I lift myself over the console and into the passenger seat.

Show no weakness, give no mercy.



“So, Mark, tell me, what do you want from life?”

He glances at me as we lay on his bed. He moved me in here with him and I am grateful. Mark knows my entire history. He knows how Felix—that is the monster's name—raped me. Anytime he gets near me, Mark tucks me under his arm. Felix seems to fear Mark, and I wonder what made Mark such a badass.

“Run my empire. Make money. Rule. Simple stuff.” He shrugs and I laugh. That earns me a smile.

“I want to paint. Or help people. I’m not sure, really.” I look at the mural painted on his ceiling. It is dark, stormy clouds. Strange, but I like it.

“You paint?” he asks and I smile.

“Yeah. Something like that.”

“Then I’ll have to get you supplies. Don’t want you unhappy.” My smile grows sad. I’m not unhappy, per say. Mark is amazing to me, keeping his promises. But I miss my dad. Wonder how my mom is. I even miss Easton. Although he is perfectly happy jumping from bed to bed, rubbing everyone in my face. Being the heartless prince he is. And here I haven’t even kissed Mark. If Easton is to move on, then maybe I should try as well. But I know there is only one love for me. And Mark, as much as I wish he was, isn’t it.

“I can’t take that look on your face anymore.”

I turn to him, eyes wide. “What do you mean?”

He cups my hand, eyes peering into mine. “That sad, hopeless look you get every time you realize you’re trapped with me.”

My heart squeezes. “I do—”

“Don’t lie to me. It’s the same look I get when I realize I can’t have the one I want.”

Consider my interest piqued, but I have a feeling I know who it might be. “Ezra?” I ask.

He shutters. “God, no. She’s hot and all, don’t get me wrong, but she scares the fuck out of me.”

I laugh a little, a deep sigh spilling past my lips. I miss Ezra, too.

“So, I’ve been thinking, and trust me, I’m not taking my decision lightly. It’s definitely moving my life ten years forward, but it’ll happen anyways.”

I sit up straighter. “What is it?”

He squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. I see the turmoil on his face. A silent war going on inside his mind. “Just… trust me, okay?”

I nod. A sick feeling twisting in my gut.

* * *

We’re crouched in the hallway, watching Mark's dad and brother discuss business. The room is clouded with smoke, thick Irish accents raised. Crisp, pressed suits taking up the space of every chair. “What are we doing?” I whisper.

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