Page 33 of Crash

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My hands are itching, twitching, clenching. I shove them into my pockets before I do something I’ll regret. “I don’t know,” I shrug, “my girlfriend marrying another man seems to have everything to do with me.” I take a step forward. She doesn’t cower, and pride for her has my chest puffing out.

“We’re not together anymore.”

I scoff. That is my decision to make, not hers. And I am not letting her go. Fuck that. “Five seconds to get your fine ass over here before bodies start to drop. One.”

She curses under her breath, pushing Mark back to his car. Pussy. She slams the door, turning to me. “Three.”

She smirks. “You forgot two.”

Smart-ass. “Four.” I tap my foot; she crosses her arms.

I throw my hands up. “Fine by me. Blood’s on your hands, though.” She rolls her eyes and I show my teeth. “Five.” I reach into the back of my pants, and she starts running. I grip the metal, it’s cold in my hands, and the weight of it as I begin pulling it out is freeing.

“Easton!” she hisses.

I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her into my chest. “Baby, what the fuck?” I growl. I shouldn’t have to be this damn dramatic to get my woman back. She peers up to me, her eyes watering. “Don’t cry,” I whisper, brushing my hands through her hair.

“Easton, we can’t,” she whispers. “You have to let me do this. It’s the only way.” I push her head into my chest, glaring at Mark as he looks at us sadly.

“I told you. I’m going to kill them all.” Her laugh is small and sad. Defeated. Heartbroken.

“Just let me go, Easton. Please.” Her words break.

I can’t. I’m not sure it’s that I wouldn’t let her go, it's that I can’t. She is mine. “Can’t, baby. I love you too much.”

She pounds my chest with her tiny fists. “Don’t say that.” She chokes on sobs as she assaults me.

“I’m only telling you the truth.” She pushes off me, looking up at me. I snatch her back, so our chests are touching. Our hearts beating erratically against each other’s.

“Well, I don’t love you, Easton.”

Her words break me and I release her. She suddenly feels like fire. Turning on my heel, I stalk away from her. Her words cut so fucking deep, I can’t think straight.

Screw it. Let the Irish mafia have her.

If she doesn’t love me, then fuck her.


“You okay?” Mark asks, glancing at me as we walk out the doors to go home for the day.

I’m not okay. The look on Easton’s face when I told him I didn’t love him crumbled me. I wanted to take it back. To suck the words straight back into my mouth, but I couldn’t. I knew it was the only way.

And boy did he move on quickly. Maxine was on his lap with his tongue down her throat before lunch. It hurt so bad to watch. I had to leave the first hour because he flirted with her right in front of me.

“Are you done with the nerd?” Maxine asks, running her hands up the front of his shirt.

They are right in front of me. He still sits in front of me, for Christ’s sake.

“Of course,” he replies, biting her finger, coaxing a giggle out of her. “She was just a bet. Like I’d ever lower myself to those standards.”

Pain rips through my chest as I fight down the bile. Fight back the tears. Try to numb the pain, but it is too much. Everyone laughs at my expense as I sink down in my chair and hide my face in my hands.

“I will be.” I smile sadly at Mark who wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

“He’s hurting too. And as you know, he doesn’t react rationally.”

I sigh. I know he is hurting but couldn’t he lick his wounds alone? When we walk outside, Easton had Maxine are up against his Ferrari, that just so happens to be parked next to Mark’s G-Wagon.

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