Page 23 of Break

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I finally fucking did it.I got my fucking man card. I fist pump the air like the douchebag I am as I get on the treadmill in our home gym. Two minutes later, Everett walks in, going straight to the punching bag and releasing his beast. “Whoa, bro. What’s wrong?” I frown at him.

He stops, looking over his shoulder. “I went for a swim and when I got there, I found Drake on top of Monroe.” I don’t want to hear this shit. “I was about to leave—you know, give them privacy—but then I heard her begging him to stop and…” He swallows. I clench my fists, fighting my own beast from releasing. “If I wouldn’t have shown up, he would have raped her. I brought her home. She was in shock, so she’s asleep in my bed.”

I dart off the machine, charging up the stairs and into my brother's room. I see Monroe tucked into herself with my brother’s t-shirt on. My heart sinks. How could anyone hurt this beautiful girl? I scoop her up, carrying her out of his room and into mine. I gently lay her on my bed, tucking her in before I climb in behind her. I brush the hair out of her face, and she turns, snuggling into me. I wrap my arms around her tightly and promise to never let anything happen to her again.

I stare at my ceiling, thinking of the mistakes I’ve made. Like today. I should have waited for her. I only wanted to give that piece of myself to her, but I was angry and acted out. Finally, when my thoughts clear out and I relax, I fall asleep. Holding my world.


“What the fuck?” I hear my dad growl and I shoot up, looking over to him. He’s fuming at the door.

“Daddy?” I try to move, but the weight anchored around my hips holds me down. “Nixon?” Nixon shushes me, bringing me back to him. “Nix,” I whisper-hiss, but he snuggles into my neck even more.

“You have three seconds to let go of my daughter before I kill you, Nixon,” my dad growls. Maddox fights a laugh, leaning in against the hallway wall.

Nixon shoots up this time. Green eyes wide. “Sir, it’s not what it looks like!” he defends himself.

My dad crosses his arms. “Daddy, it’s really not. I was hanging out and fell asleep, that’s all.”

“With no fucking clothes on?” I look down, realizing I’m in Everett’s shirt. Crap, this is bad. Real bad.

“My clothes got wet, and I wasn’t ready to come home so I borrowed a shirt!” Sweat is beating down my neck now.

“What about pants, Monroe?” My dad is now glaring at me.

“I, well, they didn’t fit.” My dad raises a brow. “Daddy, I swear, this is nothing.”

“Get home right fucking now!” he roars, and I shoot up, grabbing a pair of Nix’s sweats and slipping them on, running all the way home.

* * *

The next day, as I am walking to the cafeteria, Drake slams me into the lockers. His brown eyes are dark. “Monroe, we need to talk.”

I push at his chest. “No, I don’t think we do.”

He goes to speak, but freezes and slowly looks down. I follow his gaze, to find black nails wrapped around the handle of a sharp blade positioned at his dick. “You abused it, you lose it.” Ezra’s voice is low, siren-like as she circles him with her knife.

Out of all of us, she was the lethal one. We were all trained in combat, but she’s on a whole other level.

“Now back the fuck off or I’ll cut it off.” Drake steps back from me and Ezra smiles at him. “Good choice. Now, leave. Trust me when I say I’d take great pleasure in chopping you up.” Drake runs and Ezra mumbles “Pussy” under her breath. At only fifteen, she was dangerous.

“Thanks.” I smile at her. She blows me a kiss before throwing on her sunglasses and heading outside.

Making my way to the cafeteria, I take a seat at my table, pulling out my carrot sticks. My table is made up of the cheer squad and the football team. It is a super long table. Like really long. Easton is the first to sit down after me, throwing his arm around me and planting a kiss to my cheek. “What’s up, Roe?”

I laugh. “Uhh, isn’t that my line?” I look at him as he graces me with a shit-eating grin. He winks, bringing his burger to his mouth.

Next, I see Leslie, who pushes Everett out of her way so she can sit next to me. “Bestie.” She smiles, flipping her long braid over her shoulder.

I give her a hug. Everett sits across, glaring at Leslie. “That,” he points next to me, “is my spot.”

Leslie looks at her nails, flicking them. “This spot is for her best friend and that's me, so…” She bites into a carrot stick, smiling sweetly. Everett watches her mouth and I see her smirk. Maybe there’s something going on here.

Next, Holly and Nixon sit down. Nixon next to his brother with Holly to his side. “Oh, by the way.” Leslie looks to Nixon, glaring. “I looked up your little French name for me and I’m not amused.” She throws a chip, and it hits his nose.

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