Page 24 of Break

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“What did he call you?” I ask.

“Oh.” She beams at me. “Only a leech.” My eyes widen, and I look to Nix, who chokes on his drink.

I throw my carrot stick at his face. “That’s not very nice.” It smacks him in the eye, and I smile. “Goal!” I cheer, and everyone whoops.

“Hey, don’t assault my boyfriend!” Holly says. I narrow my eyes at her.

“Babe, chill. She’s just playing.” Nixon smiles down at her as I crush my next carrot stick in half by squeezing it.

“Whoa,” Easton says, feeling my biceps. “You’ve been working out.” He winks, again.

I smack him on the back of the head. He winces. I laugh, throwing my arm around him and bringing his face in close, laying a sloppy kiss on his cheek which has him beaming. I look to Everett who is watching Leslie closely as she pretends to ignore him. Definitely something going on here.

“Hey, Monroe. Can I talk to you after lunch?” I look at Nixon, and Holly looks between us, frowning.

“Nope. Sorry, got stuff to do.” I crunch loudly into my carrot.

“It’s important,” he protests

“Oh, I’m sure it is, but like I said, I have things to do.”

Just then, William walks up to me. “Hey, Monroe, you think I could catch you after lunch?”

Turning around, I smile at him. “I’m free now, are you?”

He smiles. “Sure am.” He puts out his hand and I take it.

Looking over my shoulder, I say, “See you guys later.”

Nixon’s glaring at me but I pay him no mind. He’s not my best friend anymore. Even if he was there for me last night, I don’t care. William leads me to the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that look out to the courtyard. “So, there’s a party at my house this weekend.”

I focus on the skaters outside as they do tricks. “I heard.” I keep my voice light.

“And I was wondering if you’d like to come?”

Finally looking at him, I frown. “Was I not invited?”

His eyes widen as he rakes his fingers through his gorgeous black hair. “Fuck, I suck at this. I’m trying to ask if you’d like to hang out with me at my party.” He looks to his feet, red painting his cheeks.

“I’d love to!” I smile at him, picking invisible lint off his blazer.

We say our goodbyes as the bell rings. I make my way to statistics. Only one more class until cheer class and then I can go home.

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