Page 66 of Fabricated

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“Darling.” He sighs, arms wrapping me up. I pull back to look at his face, a little pale, with purple circles under his eyes, but nonetheless, he is still beautiful. “Are you okay? Where is Matilda?” he rattles off the questions, but I silence him with a kiss.

“I love you,” I whisper into his lips.

He pulls back, eyes full of life and softness as he says, “And I love you. Always will until I take my last breath.”

“Don’t you ever stand between me and a gun again. That was stupid, you could have died! I thought you did die. Your heart stopped beating beneath me. Do you realize the amount of trauma that caused me? I really didn’t need any more—” He cuts me off with a laugh. My eyes narrow. “What’s so funny?”

“You tell me you love me and then immediately begin chewing my ass out.”

“That is the life you chose. Get used to it.” He smiling eyes shine with love.

“Say it again,” he rasps.

“Don’t ever stand—”

“Smartass,” he growls, pulling me closer. “Say it again.”

I sigh dramatically but smile up at his face. “I love you, Branson Lexington.”

“I love you too, Rayne Everlynn Prescott. Now, if I remember correctly, you left me waiting on national television after I clearly proposed to you.”

The nurse clears her throat behind us, a stern look on her face, but her eyes, they are twinkling with wonder. “Mr. Lexington, I do not give two damns who your family is, I want you back in the bed immediately. We need to see if you can keep some food down.”

I smile. “I like her.”

He sighs. “Ma’am, I understand but—”

“No buts! Bed, now.” Her voice is like a whip and even I almost go to the bed.

“You make it out of here and I’ll give you an answer.”

He groans softly. “That almost didn’t work out for you last time.”

I shrug, eyes twinkling in amusement. “I’ll take my chances.”

He smirks as he walks back to the bed, his hand keeping his gown from flashing his ass. Not that anyone would be scared from it.

I smile as the nurse gives Branson a stern talking to and she hooks everything back up to him. His eyes are gleaming as they lock with mine.

Tucker and Emerald walk in, Emerald’s eyes shining as a wobbly smile graces her lips. “Come on, Em. You cannot get rid of me that easily. Who would remind you that I was the eldest?”

“You know what?” she says, “I’ll let you get away with it today.”

Tucker and Emerald sit beside me on the couch and when I look back over to Branson, he mouths, “I love you.”


@RaynePrescott: “And so she got her happily ever after. Even if it was wrapped in thorns and vines, it was perfect.”

Four Months Later


“That’s a wrap,” Briggs yells as we finish the last ever show for The Edge of Nobility.

I am glad it is over. Between the show and running The Children of Nobility, I have no time for myself. Branson has grown tired of it too. There was no privacy in our lives with the show, no freedom. Screaming fans on dates was something we’d grown accustomed to, but I hoped once the show loses its spark, then our fans would too.

The Children of Nobility are growing, less cult shit, but every now and then I have to sign off for a delivery for a goat. Old habits are hard to break. Especially for the older generation. Our society focuses on giving back to others and growing a stronger country. Fighting off child sex crimes and human trafficking. We are making big splashes in the large ocean and every day I saw a sex ring being taken down, I knew it was all worth it. That everything I faced led me to this moment and I would not trade a single second of it.

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