Page 67 of Fabricated

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Arms wrap around my waist, hot kisses on my neck. “Are you ready to go home?” he purrs in my ear, causing pressure to build between my thighs. I nod.

“That’s good. I hope you like our home in the library because we will not be leaving for months. I’m going to fuck you in every position, on every surface, and even in front of Jane Austen, until you are truly well fucked and can’t walk for months.”

“Can we leave now?”I ask breathlessly.

He laughs. “Why, are you already wet? Just from my words? You make it too easy, Darling.”

He grabs my hand, leading me to an SUV, as servants carry our bags out.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Hmm?” Branson looks down at me, confused.

“Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He stops, pulling me to a halt as he stares down at me. “About fucking time,” he growls, lifting me by my thighs as he kisses me.

* * *

One Year Later


I stare at the house next to mine and the idiot who bought it. “Do you think letting Tucker live next door was such a great idea?”

Rayne frowns, looking over to the house as Tucker does donuts in the front yard on a four-wheeler.

Rayne laughs. “Of course, look how happy he is. Doesn’t that warm your heart?”

“Fuck no. We should have at least built a fence.”I was worried he’d do something to my shop. My planes and priceless cars are in there. My second-place obsessions.

Rayne smirks up at me, her freckles dancing across her nose as her eyes smile. “Where’s the fun in that?”

Tucker drives over, ripping apart my manicured lawn. My jaw tightens, and Rayne squeezes my hand in a way to calm me. It does, and my shoulders drop. Visions of Tucker fixing my yard brings a dark smile to my face as I picture taking him out with the lawn mower. “That’s the ‘kill Tucker’ smile,” she says. “I’m letting you know now, that will not be forgiven.” My smile drops, the scowl coming back to the surface.

“How are my babies?” Tucker croons, his hands inches from my wife’s swollen belly.

I smack his hands away. “Don’t fucking touch them, Ashford. We don’t want them to have brain damage from you.”

He glares. “Those are my nieces, Lexington. And my best friend is carrying them. I’ll let the insult slide, but I’m touching the belly.”

Yeah, I could not get them to break their best friend phase, life choice, whatever. Even when I voiced my concern that he is, in fact, married to my sister, and had obviously defiled her, seeing as her stomach is as big as my wife’s. I voiced how uncomfortable it made me feel and was promptly told to get over it. Truth is, I just did not want to share her. Not with him, or the world. Wanted her for myself and our daughters only. But Ashford is part of the package deal, so I relented.

“I’m going to be your favorite uncle ever,” Tucker says, hands all over my wife’s stomach, face entirely too close.

“Hard pass,” Raiden says, sliding up to his sister and putting a foot to Tucker’s chest, causing him to fall backward. I grin. “You’ll never be as great as me, Tucker. Most handsome man on earth, said so when you were voted out and I won.”

Raiden and Rayne have grown closer. He put in the time and effort with her. Opening his arms and telling her he was here, and he wanted her in his life. He even took over The Children of Nobility when we fell pregnant, keeping his sister's laws intact, and he told her she could have the reins back whenever. I do not think she wants it, though, but we’ll see.

Her grandfather is in fantastic health and makes it a mission to be a cockblock by showing up every evening for dinner, most times choosing to sleep in our guest room. He is warming up to me, slowly, but every chance he gets, he points out if I genuinely love her, which I do. I would build her a library. It is in the works, but won’t be finished for another year.

She is still a little distant from her father, but they were trying. Mine, on the other hand, is off across seas, fucking other rich kids’ nannies, no doubt. He sends post cards but, like always, he is absent. Which changes nothing for Emerald and I. I peer over Rayne’s head, looking down at her stomach as I rub it. Hard kicks bounce off my hands. “The next generation.”

“A better generation,” she whispers.

I hear a scream, and my body goes stiff and my blood runs cold. “Tucker,” Emerald cries, standing on the front porch, face ashen as water drips between her legs.

“Shit,” Tucker whispers. “I’m about to be a father.”

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