Page 82 of Yours

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That’s the last thing I expected and I sit up, pulling her into my lap in the middle of the bed with the sheets strewn around us. Her mother’s disappearance has been bugging her since the last time she spoke with her father.

A man whose body, sans head, was found in a lake by the police a week after we said I do. No motive or suspects have been found, but that’s because Malcolm is nothing but an irate perfectionist. Especially, after finding out the black roses were coming from him and his whore as a scare tactic.

The flower shop owner was a friend of her father.

Moreover, I took pleasure in hanging the widowed-shop owner and watering the sunflowers with his blood.

“Where is she?”

“In Indiana.” She buries her face in my neck; I feel the few tears fall and begin to think the worst. “She’s living under an alias and working as a caretaker in a women’s shelter. The kids love her, and she seems happy. Happier than I’ve ever seen her.”

“I can have the car ready in ten minutes, linda.”

“That won’t be necessary, Papi. I’m not going to see her.”

“Why?” I’m surprised by this. I’d give anything to see my mother again.

“Because she’s at peace, and I never want to take that away from her. I’m okay as long as she’s safe.”

I’ve had people look into her whereabouts for the last few years. I’ve dug and dug and searched high and low, but the truth is she’s hiding and doesn’t want to be found after my father forced her into a mental institution in London. For seven months under the guise of her being schizophrenic, Mom was forced medications and endured treatments not meant for someone with a clean bill of health.

A lie he told after slipping those in charge a few bills, and it wasn’t until the owner went to trial for a wrongful death case that my mother escaped.

Tipping her face up to mine, I kiss her nose and then peck her lips. “Are you sure?”

“I am.”

“You’re amazing, sweetheart. She’s lucky to have you as a daughter.”

“And I am blessed to have you as my husband. So lucky that I want to start trying for that baby?”

“Yeah?” My grin matches her. It’s dopey and happy and I’m fucking hard again. “Right now?”

“Why not?” Mariah laughs, turning her in my lap to straddle my legs. “I want a little mini Javi throwing tantrums and harassing kids on the playground.”

“What about a mini Mariah threatening to shoot everyone she meets?”

“The possibilities are endless.” It leaves her on a moan, her hips gyrating against the bulbous, angry tip. “But as long as I have you—”

“I want them all,” I finish for her and then take those soft lips with my own, sending a silent vow to God above to never let me lose her. Our connection. She’s my life, and I plan to spend my life showing her each day that I live and breathe for her love.


Epilogue 2

Two years later…

“Ready to come clean, little cousin?”

My head whirls back, a gasp slipping from my lips at the sight of Malcolm. He’s the one I’ve been worried about the most, disappointing him by not confiding a secret we’ve kept long enough.

That I’ve made Javi keep.

You hurt him, too.

Christ, my eyes well with tears and my lips open to speak, but no words come out. How do I explain my selfishness? How do I explain that I kept them away from the happiest day in my life?

