Page 83 of Yours

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“Stop,” we say in unison, but the annoying jerk just wipes off my eyes with a soft expression. “I’m not mad.”

“You’re not? And what exactly are you not mad about?”

“I was there the night you said your I do’s in the hospital room.”

What the? “But we never saw you.” It’s the only thing my brain can muster. That, and a contrite expression.

He’s always been there for me.

More like a brother than a cousin.

“It’s a lucky coincidence that I was.” He’s smiling and relaxed. No anger or reproach in his tone. “After dealing with a phone call from the DA’s office over the incident with Mildred, I stopped to check in on Javier. To thank him for saving someone I love.”

“London’s made you a softie with emotions,” I tease, not used to seeing this side of him often. Malcolm shows his affection with actions and not words, unless you’re his wife. The way he fawns over her is quite adorable to watch.

“I’d shoot you, but your husband might quit.”

“That’s my line, jerk!” I yell in mock-indignation. “Besides, Javi always double-crosses me.”

“Do I?” The man in question wraps an arm around my waist then, pulling me against a hard chest. One I love. One I can’t sleep without cuddling on. When I don’t answer, he chuckles against the crown of my head. “What’s freaking her out? Coming out, or the pregnancy?”

I’ve never turned around so fast in my life. My eyes meet his: my wide ones on his soft, molten chocolate ones. “You know?”

“I do.” Javi brings both hands up to my face, cupping my cheeks. His lips are spread into a wide smile, the softest expression over his chiseled features. “At first, it was just a suspicion, but after the week of nothing but Buffalo wings for dinner with a coconut cake for dessert, I knew. You love coconut, but not in a cake.”

“I’m sorry. I—”

He shuts me up with a kiss. It’s soft and sweet and warm; our lips connect, and all my worries disappear. I’m tethered to him. My world begins and ends with him.

Softly, Javier nibbles on my bottom lip before pulling back when a throat clears, a sheepish grin on his face. “My apologies for forgetting you exist.”

“I’ll remember that the next time London comes to have lunch at the office.” He’s trying to sound annoyed, but I hear the happiness in his tone. Real happiness, and after nipping Javi’s jaw and removing his hands from my face, I turn to face him. “Take a moment and come inside when you’re ready. We’ll keep them inside.”

“We?” I squeak, worried someone else knows.

“London knows, Mari. And don’t worry, no one is upset, nor will we let them give you shit.”

“I’m sorry I hid this from you.”

“Shut up.” Pulling me in for a quick hug, he kisses my forehead before gently pushing me back. Right back where I belong. With Javier. Always my Javier. “Congratulations, Lucas family. I’m looking forward to meeting my godchild.”

“I didn’t ask you?” I laugh, feeling so happy to finally share this.

“Not asking. I’m claiming my rightful spot.” With that, Malcolm turns and heads back inside, slipping into the kitchen through our sliding glass doors.

“How far along are you?” Javi asks. His hands grip my hips, fingers expanding to caress my small bump.

“A little over three months.”

He hums in the back of his throat. “And everything is okay? You’ve seen the OBGYN?”

No anger. Never reproach.

“We’re healthy and right where we should be.” Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply and let it out slowly, savoring his manly scent. Javi is my home, and being close to him gives me the peace and stability I need at the moment. He centers me. Assuages and fortifies my soul. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but so much—”

“I’m not upset, Muñeca. You’ve been nervous and taking on so much.” His words soothe me. Calm me of the fear I’ve been trying to fight against. “But I need you to understand that no matter what, you’re not alone. We handle this together. Everything together.”

“In sickness and health, we are one.”
