Page 81 of Yours

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Lying is a mortal sin for me, and yet she pushes. So bad. So mine. “Liar.”

“It was just in case they meet, or something goes wrong.”

“Like what?” I slam in to the hilt and she clenches, her breath caught in her throat from the force of the punishing stroke. “Tell me.” No response. Not so much as a breath escapes her, and I take that as a challenge. “This one is on you.”

Pulling out, I push Mariah’s hip forward and pin her there. Her back arches while she tries to fight my hold, wanting to be fucked for being bad, but unwilling to give in.

Good thing for her she has a husband who doesn’t mind dominating, bringing her to tears with his cock.

“Javi, I—”

“I what?” Short little jabs slip the engorged head just past her opening a few times, but I don’t penetrate. I want to hear this explanation. Why is she keeping tabs on that family when I’m doing the same for our family’s sake? “Tell me.”

“Please fuck me.”

“Answer the question, Mariah.” Fuck, she looks so good like this. Needy and hungry and her entrance clenching in search of me. “Tell me why you’ve been—”

“Because Earl asked me to make sure she doesn’t get mixed up in their drama. He’s a family friend on her mother’s side and is worried. Christ…” She’s struggling against me. Her eyes over her shoulder meet mine and they’re angry and desperate “…keep denying me, and I’ll take care of this myself.”

“Is that a threat?”

“Yes.” My smirk is dark and my intentions dirty; she knows this. Lives for it. “You can’t stop…oh fuck!”

“Louder, baby. Scream for me.” My thrusts don’t allow her time to adjust or take a breath; I’m fucking her fast and hard and holding her down with my weight after spreading that thigh higher. I hold it to the bed, fingers digging in, and yet, my precious doll only whimpers out a “More.”

Always more.

“Javi, I’m…” she trails off, lips going slack when I slip a hand between us and touch her throbbing clit in time with my thrust. No lead in or gentle circles. I press two fingers down and use every punch of my hips to massage—bring her closer to the orgasm I denied her earlier in the night.

She’s hiding something from me, and I don’t like it.

“You close, Mamita?” Her response is a whiny, keening sound. She loves it when I speak Spanish and I’m not above using it when necessary. “Tan bonita mi muneca. Tan rica.”

“Oh God…” another delicious clench and I feel her clit swell the second goose bumps erupt all over her heated flesh “…just need—”


“Tell me.”

I smile against her sweaty neck, closing my eyes as the power I hold over her slams into me and rocks me to the core. I’ll never deny how heady it is to own her love. To experience her greed for me every single moment of the day.

“I love you more than my own life.” No sooner has the last word slipped past my lips than Mariah comes and hard—her pussy tightens around my cock like a vice and I find myself holding still—letting her fuck herself back on me with short strokes.

She’s massaging me. Her heat enveloping me.

And when her small hand slips beneath her hips and holds me to her, I come.

Spurt after spurt rushes out and deep into her core. I fill her and still, it’s not enough.

I want her round with my child. I want to have everything she’s not ready for…yet.

“Javi, I’m dead,” my girl whimpers a while later and I laugh, pulling out and falling beside her on the bed. She’s insane and a little mental at times, but I wouldn’t change a single hair on her head. “I needed that.”

“You ready to tell me what you’re hiding now?” Secrets and lies are the one thing I’ll never allow between us. Not with how far we’ve come. “Are you still—”

“I found my mom.”
