Page 11 of Dungeon Crawl

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“Like what?” There were rules in game—so many rules—around consent, reporting unwelcome advances, and with these two, talking through what we all wanted from an evening. I’d never had that face to face before, and it was reassuring.

“Like, this is only physical. No falling in love, or any of that bullshit,” Elliot said. “And you can stop any time. Any of us can. But know that unless you do, I’m going to take, but I give just as good.”

Holy shit, he was taking this seriously.Hot.

“And if you have any hard limits you know of that you haven’t mentioned before, now’s the time to mention them,” Link added.

We’d discussed so much, I was pretty sure the important stuff was out there. Oh, except, “No water sports.” That was the tactful way to put that, right?

Link cleared his throat and shot a pointed look at my soaking wet top.

I twisted my mouth in amusement and disbelief. “Don’t spit or pee on me.”

“Protection?” Elliot asked.

I was super turned on by the thought of either of them coming on me. Inside me. Or both of them. One after another. At the same time. But there was some reality to consider. “Are you clean?” We’d had this conversation, but I wanted to see their answers face to face.

“Yes,” Elliot said.

Link nodded. “Yes.”

“Me too. Condoms for penetration. Don’t need them anywhere else.” I’d like to avoid something like a pregnancy scare if my birth control chose today to stop working.

“Fair.” Link was so compliant. But I know how their dynamic worked, and I figured he would be.

Elliot’s sign-on was the big one. “Agreed. We all in?”

Link and I nodded.

“Good.” Elliot pointed at me. “Grab her.”

Link knelt next to me and took my hands. When he gently placed his shoulder near my gut and stood, I yelped in surprise. He was caveman-carrying me into the bedroom.Fuck meI liked this.

In Elliot’s room, he set a mostly sleepy King in the corner, and joined us as Link put me on my feet.

“Out of the wet clothes.” There was no room for argument in Elliot’s tone.

I was going to do it anyway. “Make me.”

“Did you really just…?”

I shrugged. “We just saidall in.”

With a nod, Elliot looked past me to Link. They didn’t exchange words, but his expression threatened to turn the water on my clothes to steam. From behind me and without warning, Link grabbed my wrists and held them tightly.

The spike in my chest was fear mixed with desire. I didn’t know these men. In fact, Nigel was probably the only person who really understood where I was.

But despite the rough start with Elliot when I arrived, I trusted that he and Link were the same people I’d been talking to online, and this was part of what we’d role played before. Technically, none of it was a new idea to us, but experiencing it in person was different… and delicious.

Elliot was rough when he shoved my shirt up, and the friction cranked my anticipation as much as having my bare breasts exposed so abruptly. Link only let go of me long enough to pull the top from my arms and toss it. The way Elliot looked me over when I was topless, Link’s fingers digging into my wrists…

Fuck, I was turned on. My pulse hammered in my ears. Adrenaline sped through my veins. This felt incredible and we’d only started.

Elliot undid the button on my jeans with the flick of a wrist, and yanked the zipper open with a sharp tug. He shoved my bottoms to the ground, leaving me naked and trapped.

“I notice I’m the only one who had to take off my wet clothes.” I was taunting him on purpose, but I kept my tone playful.

Elliot stepped closer, and I moved away instinctually. Except Link was behind me and I couldn’t go far. Elliot planted his foot between mine, and pressed his thigh to my mound. Lightly at first, but increasing the pressure quickly.
