Page 12 of Dungeon Crawl

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Oh. Oh,fuck. That felt so good. Wrong, but good. The harder he pushed, the more I wanted to grind in response.

He moved one hand to knead my breast, and rolled a nipple roughly between his fingers. As he upped the intensity both on my chest and between my legs, I couldn’t stop grinding against him.

I was desperate to get off, but this wasn’t enough. Orgasm fluttered just out of my reach, but if I humped his thigh harder, if he twisted a little harder, maybe…

Elliot pulled away abruptly, and the slick trail I’d left on his pants was obvious. “You’re right, I am wet. How about that?” He sounded nonchalant. “Kneel in the middle of the bed, and don’t move.”

“If I do move?” This was fun.

“I’ll assume you want to stop, and the night is over,” Elliot said.

Point taken. That was as effective as a threat could get. I did what I’d been commanded, and sat as still as possible, hands clasped in front of me.

When Elliot told Link to undress, and Link complied without question, that show was almost enough reward for my behaving.


I’d never been with two men at once before, except the two of them online. I’d been in a few threesomes where there was another woman, but those were always awkward and tended to end with either a jealous boyfriend or him expecting both of us to get off solely on the idea of pleasing him.

Elliot and Link knew this. I’d told them the stories. So when a naked Elliot pulled a naked Link into a passionate kiss, like two men who were very much used to doing this with each other, my heart sank. The kiss didn’t last long, though.

“Tonight our guest comes first.” Elliot put some distance between him and Link, who nodded.

My skin was definitely on fire with need. Elliot pulled something from a dresser drawer, but I couldn’t tell what it was until he slipped the blindfold over my eyes.

This required so much trust. Did I have that? My heart hammered against my ribs.

Elliot placed his palm on my bare chest, over my heart. “Would you tell me if you wanted to stop?”

I nodded.

“Say it.”

“I’d tell you if I wanted to stop.” Forming the words cemented them in my head. That he required them made me feel like he valued them.

“Good.” The shift in Elliot’s tone from cool and controlling to thick with need was as tasty as the rest of this. “Because I fucking love thatthump thump thumpagainst my skin.”

I didn’t try to hide my whimper.

And then he was gone. His touch. His presence.

“Lay on your back.” Heat from his breath brushed the back of my neck.

I was past the point of arguing; this promised too much reward for me to be bratty now.

When he murmured, “Good girl,” did I almost come?

Damn straight.

The headphones he slipped over my ears cut me off from the rest of the world in the most disconcerting way. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t hear.

Sensory deprivation was another of the things we’d talked about online, and the fact that he’d been paying attention was another reason to be so incredibly turned on.

Someone grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. I already recognized the feel of Link’s hands on my skin, but cut off from two senses, I swore the feeling was amplified.

Nothing else happened. Time ticked away. Was this taking forever, or did it just feel like it?

No, they were definitely drawing the moment out. Would I hear them if there was discussion? Did they simply look at each other and know the best way to torture me in order to make me want this that much more?
