Page 124 of These Dead Promises

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The music thrummed through me like a second heartbeat as I followed Chloe through the crowd. Some people stared, trying to piece together where they knew me from. No doubt wondering if they were seeing a ghost. But most of them ignored me, too interested in their conversations, their drinks and drugs, the boy or girl all over them.

It was always overwhelming being here. One of them yet not.

I’d forgotten just how out of place I’d always felt amongst my classmates, especially here.

“This is wild,” Celeste yelled over the music, squeezing my hand with a mix of reassurance and excitement. I doubted she’d ever been to a party like this in Old Darling Hill.

“Maybe you should have texted him.” She leaned in closer as we fought our way through the sea of people.

“I wanted to surprise him.”

It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I wasn’t so sure.

“Oh my God, is that Kye?” She flicked her head over to a quieter spot where sure enough Kye was making out with some blonde girl, his hand shoved under her skirt.

“Don’t tell Chloe,” I whispered, but she swung around. “Don’t tell Chlo— oh my God, my eyes. My fucking eyes. Make it stop… make it—”

We pounced on her, covering her eyes and pulling her away, our laughter drowned out by the noise.

This wasn’t so bad, being here with them. Knowing I was about to be with Nix.

I couldn’t wait to see his face when he spotted me. Especially after I’d heard the disappointment in his voice earlier.

“Oh shit,” Chloe drew to a stop, and we slammed into her.

“What’s—” The air sucked clean from my lungs as I spotted them.

Cherri Jardin curled on Nix’s lap, their faces pressed close together.

It was like a slow-motion car crash. You knew what was coming, but you couldn’t look away. My hand flew out, clutching Celeste’s arm as Cherri dipped her face, brushing her lips against his. Kissing him.

She was kissing him.

And he just sat there. His hands on her hips, her hand on his chest, the other locked around his neck.

“Oh my God.” Bile rushed up my throat, burning.

“Harleigh,” someone said. But I stumbled back, needing to get away. Needing to not see a single second more. “Harleigh, it isn’t what—”

“Go,” I blurted, tears stinging my eyes. “I need to go. Celeste, get me out of here, please.”

She wrapped her arm around me, shielding me as she ushered me back through the crowd. “Breathe,” she said. “You need to breathe.”

But I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t get any air into my lungs as the image of Cherri all over Nix seared into my mind.

He wouldn’t…

He wouldn’t betray me like that.

Yet he was right there, and she was—

I retched again, Celeste guiding me away from the party.

Someone yelled after us, but it wasn’t Nix.

He didn’t come.

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