Page 123 of These Dead Promises

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“Light it up,” Kye said. “I’ll smoke and drink his share.”

“Greedy fucker,” I murmured, digging out my cell and checking it for a message from Harleigh.

“Seriously? We only just got here.” Zane rolled his eyes.

“One day, Z. I swear to God, bro. One day a girl is going to swoop in and knock you on your ass and I’m going to love every second of it.”

“Never gonna happen.”

“Famous last words,” Kye drawled, taking a deep hit on the blunt. “You sure you don’t want a—”

“I’m good.” I wasn’t here to get wasted and high. I was here to show my face, spend some time with my guys, and then get the fuck back to my girl.

Pulling up our chat history, I typed out a new message.

Me: Fifty minutes and counting.

Jesus, I was whipped. And I gave the sum total of zero fucks about it.

I waited for her witty reply, but it never came.

“She’s with the girls. Stop being so overbearing,” Zane grumbled.

“I’m not—”

He leveled me with a look that said, ‘You sure about that?’

“Duty calls.” Kye drained his beer and leaped up.

“Duty—let me guess, the blonde,” I said, spotting the girl who had caught his eye.

“You would be correct. See you two fuckers later. Z, look after our guy.”

“I’m surprised his dick hasn’t fallen off,” Zane said the second Kye was out of earshot.

“At least he’s putting his to good use,” I countered, and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“I get pussy.”

“Didn’t say you didn’t.” My lips curved.

“Whatever, asshole. I’m going to grab some more beer.” He got up and disappeared into the sea of bodies. I checked my cell phone again, my vision blurring a little. I rubbed my eyes, trying to stave off the effects of the alcohol.

What the fuck had been in that drink?

“Everything okay?” a soft voice said, and I glanced up to find Cherri looming over me.

“Hey,” I said.

“Good game tonight.”


“Is it true? What they’re saying about Albany U?”

“If it works out.”

“That’s great news, Nix.”

She went to move around me, but her foot caught mine and she tripped. I just managed to grab her before she went flying.

Cherri landed with a little oomph, right in my lap, and wrapped her arms around my neck. “My hero.” She grinned.

“Cher,” I warned, my hands settling on her hips, ready to move her off my lap.

“Come on, Nix. I just want to congratulate you. Is that so bad?” Her eyes dipped to my mouth, one of her hands running up my chest.

“Cherri.” I sucked in a sharp breath, my head a little cloudy. “Don’t do this.”

“Do what?” She gazed at me. Big bright eyes full of seduction and sin. “It’s only a little celebration kiss.” Leaning closer, she pinned me to the chair. “What’s the worst that can happen?”

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