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Sneaking out on Friday night is the best idea ever. Another day of detention after school left me restless, and annoyed that I had to serve it alone—Fox didn’t show. It was straight home after that. Mom’s judgmental stare was too much at dinner and I was going stir crazy in my room while the sun was still shining outside, begging me to have some fun.

Luckily, Thea is best friend goals and loves me. When I messaged her, she and Blair helped me sneak out past our security system undetected.

As we peel away from my house, I reach forward to hug Blair from the back of Thea’s Mini Cooper, arms wrapping around her seat to reach her. “You guys are the best.”

Blair used to stiffen at my hugs—or anyone’s affectionate touch who wasn’t her boyfriend’s—but now she gives me a husky laugh and reaches up to squeeze my wrist. “Who doesn’t love a little jailbreak. Keeps life interesting.”

I laugh. From the story Devlin tells of how they ended up together, she can get down and dirty, going as far as attempting to steal his car and earning a reputation for being a smooth pickpocket.

“I’m so glad you’re back from school.”

“Me too,” she says.

We head for downtown Ridgeview, where the guys are meeting us to see a movie. My phone is off, so there’s no worry of Dad tracking me down at Mom’s command. Freedom feels damn good.

“Where’s Gemma?”

“Her and Lucas and his parents drove out to Denver for the weekend to see her brother,” Thea says.

I remember him. Our brothers both played football together for Silver Lake High. Gemma’s really cool, someone who has an energy that matches mine and killer confidence I admire. It’s no wonder her boyfriend Lucas, Silver Lake’s ex-football quarterback, is off the deep end in love with her.

Once we reach downtown and park, the guys meet us in front of the theater. Connor and Devlin both have eyes only for their girls as the three of us head for them arm in arm with me in the middle. The guys look like the angel and devil that might sit on your shoulder, with Connor’s lighter features and charming smile and Devlin’s dark everything—hair, eyes, presence. When they’re together, you know trouble is going down.

As soon as we’re close enough, Devlin steps forward to cup Blair’s face for a deep

kiss that makes me and Connor whistle at them to tease. They both flip us off without looking or breaking their kiss. Chuckling, Connor slides his hand around Thea’s waist and drops a trail of fluttering kisses across her cheek to her lips, lingering with a pleased hum.

Without meaning to, the memory of Fox’s lips brushing against the corner of my mouth, but never connecting springs into my head. My cheeks heat and I clear my throat.

“All right, save the making out for the movie you’re only going to half watch.”

“Jealous? C’mere, I’ll kiss you, too,” Connor teases.

Rolling my eyes, I walk ahead of my friends. “I’d rather kiss Thea. She’s way cuter than you.”

Connor makes a sound like he’s dying, then stops partway through to make an intrigued sound.

A round of laughter sounds behind me as we go into the theater. It’s not that crowded inside, most of the seats in the dim room left open. Devlin immediately pulls Blair down one of the rows with only a few seats that will end up shadowy as soon as the lights go down. She smirks as he tugs her down into his lap. Two rows ahead of that, Connor leads Thea to a seat, whispering to her to make her giggle. I go one more row in front of them to give them some space to cuddle.

The movie starts and I get sucked in. It’s about halfway when someone slides into the seat beside me.

It’s Sam.

“Thought that was you I saw,” he says, dropping an arm across the back of my seat.

“Uh, hey,” I whisper.

I try to pay attention to the movie, but wariness sets in as he inches closer. At first he grazes his fingertips over my shoulder, toying with the thin straps of my summer dress. I don’t want to cause a scene, but I’m not cool with this. We broke up.

“Sam,” I murmur, shifting his arm off. “What are you doing?”

His hand lands on my leg and he shoots me a crooked smirk. “Don’t be like that.”

“Like what, dude?” I keep quiet, but an irritation edges into my tone. His fingers tease the bottom of my dress and I smack his knuckles. “Knock it off.”

“I’ve been thinking. We should try again.” He tips his chin down—what is that, puppy eyes? “I don’t think you gave me a solid chance. We only got to go on one date before you broke it off. I can’t get you out of my head.”

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