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“That sounds like a you problem. Sorry, but I’m not interested in anything more than friendship with you.”

“What’s wrong, baby?” Sam’s voice gets harder and he leans in to mutter in my ear so no one but me can hear. “You need a party atmosphere and an audience? Aren’t there enough people in here to put you in the mood?”

Stiffening, I realize he means Jenna’s party. I can’t believe I thought this guy was nice.

Annoyance slides right into rising anger. “You weren’t there. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He scoffs, twirling a piece of my hair. “All I need are the rumors. You pretend to be all innocent, but we both know you’re not. Otherwise you wouldn’t have had ‘easy’ spray painted on your locker. Quit playing hard to get because it’s not cute anymore.”

Now I’m really pissed off. “Sorry, Sam. That’s not how I let my friends talk to me. We’re done.”

Slamming my hands down on the armrests, I get up and stalk out of the theater. He follows and it makes me grit my teeth. I’m vaguely aware of the rest of my friends—my real ones—trailing after us. They’ve got my back.

“Maisy, wait—” Sam puts his hand on my arm, but he’s interrupted when someone grabs him.

“I don’t think so. That’s enough,” Devlin bites out in a dangerous undertone, reminding me why he and Connor had full control of our school when they were seniors last year.

Connor closes in on Sam’s other side. He has a terrifying gleam in his gray eyes that matches Devlin’s. Blair and Thea come to my side, Thea taking my hand and squeezing while Blair levels Sam with a cool stare.

“Uh, hey,” Sam says, losing some of his confidence. “I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Sam. Maisy’s boyfriend. If I’d known we were doing a group thing tonight, I’d have been here earlier.”

Connor snorts, but there’s nothing amused about it. “Yeah, no. I was watching the whole time. You ain’t shit, touching her when she said not to. That isn’t gonna fly, is it Dev?”

“Fuck no.”

Despite what led to this, I’m fighting back a grateful smile. These guys treat me like I’m family. Like I’m someone they want to protect. This is what family does for each other, what my real one used to feel like before everything changed.

“Thanks for the backup, guys,” I say, stepping forward to stand in front of Sam. “Listen, dude. You and I aren’t happening. I don’t know how much clearer I can be.”

He clenches his teeth, nostrils flaring. “You’re taking this slut’s side? She’s just a cock tease.”

“Yo,” Blair snaps.

“Slut shaming, wow,” I deadpan, blinking slowly. “Cool. So hurtful.”

His words don’t sting at all, but now I’m glad I broke up with him. I knew I didn’t like his vibe.

“Only a coward tries to tear a woman down with derogatory terms,” Thea says.

“Just calling it how it is. She can fuck around at a party, but acts too good for it from her boyfriend.”

Connor whistles low. “Look at that attitude. Don’t you know who we are?” Sam jerks against Devlin’s tight grip and Connor grins. “Girls? Meet us down at the bakery.”

Thea takes my hand again and pulls me away.

I rake my fingers through my hair. “I don’t need you to fight battles for me. He’s not worth wasting your time on. I can do it myself.”

Devlin glances at me. “We won’t break him, but there’s no avoiding this lesson. Want the first punch?”

Sighing, I shake my head. There’s no saving Sam from his fate after he was such a dick. My gaze meets his.

“We’re done, got it? There’s nothing between us. No feelings, no friendship.” I put my hands on my hips. “And definitely no fucking. I don’t sleep with anyone who tries to use a woman’s sexuality against her.”

A deep laugh leaves Devlin as he and Connor drag a struggling Sam around the corner into an alley. The girls come to my side again.

“Are you okay?” Thea asks.

“Yeah. He’s just an asshole. I thought he was nice, but… Guess not.”

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