Page 24 of Falling for Her

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Hours later, with Drew, Mark, Max, Lucas, and Addison surrounding me, the doctor finally comes through the glass doors, his eyes searching.

“Are you the family of Hannah Baker?”

We all nod, my chest tightening at his rigid posture, and his lips press into a thin line.

“Hannah was hit head-on by another car, causing her car to flip several times. Thankfully she was wearing her seat belt, so she escaped with her life. When she arrived, she had some internal bleeding, which we fixed during surgery. She also suffered a lacerated liver which we tried to fix, but will have to monitor for a few days to make sure everything went to plan.”

We all nod, my head filling with white noise at the thought of what she must have been thinking lying in that car all alone.

“I’m happy to say that even with those injuries and a few broken ribs and a pretty severe head wound, Hannah will make a full recovery.”

My lungs release and I finally take a deep breath, the first time since I walked through those doors hours ago.

“Can I see her?” My eyes are pleading, hoping I can see her with my own eyes to make sure she’s okay.

The doctor smiles reassuringly before closing his file and holding it against his chest. “Soon. She’ll be taken into ICU shortly to be monitored. Once that happens, you can go in two people at a time. Okay?”

“Thank you,” I whisper, shaking his hand because this man is the reason I still have a future. Just as he turns to walk away, I stop him once more, a nagging thought pulling at the back of my brain. “Hey, doc?”

He turns, his eyes searching mine.

“What happened to the other driver?”

“The one that hit Ms. Baker?”

I nod, my hands shaking as I wait for him to respond.

“I believe he’s fine, recovering well.”

He gives me nothing else as he leaves, my mind spinning.

“What are you thinking about, man? Hannah is okay. You should be happy.”

My eyes flicker to Drew who is looking at me with caution. Yes, my girl is going to be okay. She’s alive and breathing, but the next few months are going to be a daily reminder of what we almost lost and I need to know who did this to her, and why.

“I am happy. But something doesn’t feel right. Something just isn’t adding up.”

Everyone looks at me as if I have two heads and before they can question me anymore, I head off toward the nurses’ station and practically beg to know where he is.

“Sir, I cannot tell you any personal information regarding that patient. He is not family and therefore you have no right to know where he is.”

In the back of my mind, I know she’s right, but that doesn’t stop me from walking down the hall, peering into every room until I find the one I’m looking for.


That son of a bitch.

He looks older than I remember him being all those years ago, with his hair graying at his temples and the wrinkles gathering around his eyes. I open the door to his room, peering behind me to make sure no one sees as my fingers grasp my phone hidden in my pocket. Staring at his still form, the machines beeping in the background, I wonder what would happen if I just suffocated him right here, watching the life drain from his eyes. But before I can act on it, the door audibly shuts behind me and his eyes snap up to meet mine.

“Hello, Steven.”

The look of panic on his face is enough to cause a slight smirk to cross mine.

“What are you doing here?” he mutters, his voice hoarse.

He goes to sit up, his fingers racing for that nurse call button, but I’m faster and within seconds I’m over him. I hover over his bruised but otherwise unscathed body and place my hand over his throat.

“You are one sick motherfucker, you know that?”

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