Page 81 of As You Wish

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I walked off, glad I could do so without a pang, well, only with my physical aches and pains, not the emotional ones and the further I went, the better I felt, right up until I got back to our rooms.

“What happened to you? Did they...?” Scalla said, leaping to her feet and offering me an arm. I shook her off, shucking off the dirty flight suit and letting it fall to the ground. F

lea’s door opened and his eyes widened. He quickly went to my side, looking me over and then sweeping me up in his arms after he’d inspected me.

“I can walk,” I said. “I walked all the way back here.”

“Not for much longer,” he said. “Those muscles you’ve flogged today are starting to cool and then the real pain starts.”

“Real pain?” I whimpered. He set me down outside the bath, closed the door and then proceeded to run the water. He sniffed the various glass containers of salts and scattered them across the surface, releasing an astringent bergamot like scent. He tested the temperature with his hand and then his hands went to my clothes. “I can undress myself,” I said.

“Fair enough,” he said and then his hands went to the hemline of his shirt and he pulled it over his head.

There’s a unique pleasure that comes from looking at the naked form of a guy you’ve chosen. Not someone who’s worked their way into your bed or affections. Not someone who clogs your mind with lust, leading you around by your clit, but a guy you make a conscious decision to be with. My hands went to my waistband and stopped, my eyes caught on the lean terrain of his naked body, the many hot spots of awesomeness signposted by his tattoos. I froze as his hands went to the buttons of his jeans, a lazy smile spreading across his face as he noted he had my full attention. It deepened into something darker, sexier as he stripped his body bare. I swallowed as his half-hard cock came into view, the thick length twitching under my gaze, stiffening.


“I ended things with Keel.” My words burst out, harsh and not a good fit for the current mood, but I couldn’t keep it in anymore. It was like now I’d realised what I wanted, I needed to tell at least him.

“Yeah?” he rested his wrists on my shoulders, drawing his body, his mouth closer. “What brought that on?”

“I...I just realised, it meant nothing with Keel. It took me a really long time to work that out, I know, but it was just...mechanical. Insert slot tab A into slot B kind of shit. I was stressed, tired, needing to train constantly and he filled—”

He put a finger under my chin and tilted it up gently. “I’m pretty sure I know what he filled.”

I snorted, shaking my head. “No, it’s not that. I realised today, I needed someone between us and he seemed happy to play that role.”

“Someone... Why would you need someone between us?”

My eyes dropped, but I moved in so I could feel his chest against my cheek. “Because then it would be just me and the guy who came through the portal twice, facing the unknown, all to make sure I was OK. The guy who didn’t tell me ‘I told you so’ when I realised how Prince Damon was duping me. The guy who cued up 80's movies and found chapters in books so me and Ash could save the world. You’re sweet and funny, talented, scarily talented, calm, you solve problems rather than let them overwhelm you and you’ve always got my back. Waking up next to you was a privilege I didn’t yet understand. I feel safe with you like you’ll take all I am and hold it carefully, not tear through me like tissue paper.” My words were little more than whispers, spoken onto the surface of his skin. He pulled back slightly so he could see me, my lips moving, the words come out. “I needed something between us because rather than looking like the kind of guy I thought I’d fall in love with, you acted like him.”

“You...” his voice was a rasp, a murmur, a plea.

This is it, I realised, a lot harder than jumping off a damn dragon. “I think I love you, Flea. As much as I can love anyone. It’s not something I’ve felt before. It’s a timid thing right now. It gets pushed to the side by the near-constant adrenalin. One of the dumb side effects of jumping off of a dragon all day is it strips the adrenalin out and the other feelings can come to the fore.”

“No more talking,” he said, pushing me against the wall, his mouth descending on mine, his fingers digging in my hair, his tongue forced between my lips. “God, Tess, if you had any idea how long I’ve waited...” His tongue couldn’t shape any more words, it gets tangled with mine and for a moment all we did was try to crawl as far into the other as we could. I moaned as I felt his rigid length press into me, his fingers clawing, his teeth grinding against mine. Finally he pulled away, not initially successful as a series of nipping kisses brought us together again and again, but then our mouths pulled apart and he stared at me as I listened to the rapid hiss of his breath in his chest. “I’ve been gone on you since we walked into the shop. There’s Ash and Jez out there, thinking they deserve attention and getting it, but not you. You hovered at the edges, thinking you escaped people’s attentions, expecting to be passed over for the main event and I wondered why. You’re a beautiful girl, Tess, even with your nose peeling.” He kissed the sore tip. “But more than that, that brain of yours that’s always running a mile a minute, caught up with a million worries, inventing new ones every second but at the eye of that hurricane is a big heart that cares for everyone. Why would you worry so much about what people are thinking or feeling if you didn’t? That’s the girl I wanted, the girl who loves the world.”

“I’m not sure how much love there’s going to be if I don’t get into that bath.”

“Fuck, it's nearly overflowing.” I got undressed while he hastily switched off the taps then emptied some of the water. He paused when he turned back to me, eyes raking down my no doubt dirty, stinking body, a hungry expression on his face. He seemed to collect himself, holding out a hand before escorting me into the bath, the hot water a balm on my aching calves. He stepped in behind me and then we dropped down together. For a moment, all I could think of was the heat relaxing my muscles, my body supported by his and he held me between his thighs. Then his hand moved.

With a bar of soap, he mapped my limbs, taking a slow pace we’d never really been comfortable with before. He traced every hollow, every curve, every aching bloody muscle and each came to life under his touch. By the time he was dipping down to wash my hips and lower, I was floating up, breasts breaching the water’s surface, my nipples pulling tight in the cool air. A faint moan slipped free as the soap slid down, my thighs parting to let him in. “Fuck this,” he muttered, drawing his hand free to drop the soap in the dish on the bath’s edge and then plunging it back down. His hand dived between my legs, dragging me back so I was hard against his rigid dick and then slipped them between my folds.

“Oh God...” I cried. I wanted to turn, tangle my fingers in his hair, run them along his body but he seemed to sense this and held me fast with his other hand around my waist.

“No,” he whispered, “just feel. Just let yourself feel.” I settled back against him almost regretfully, but then his hand began to move again. Sex in the water can be a rougher than expected experience, particularly during penetration, but right now his fingers rubbed over my aching cunt, pulling at my swelling clit with little drag, it was all pleasure. My arms went around his neck, a huge pressure beginning to build inside me, something that was almost as painful as it was pleasurable. My clit had begun to swell, the rubbing sensation forcing little jerks from my hips, the burning pleasure there growing in intensity, a hot flush spreading throughout the area. In some ways it was too intimate. Having sex was a mess of limbs and tongues and fingers and cocks, there was so much going on it was almost a blur. There was no mistaking what was happening, I couldn’t lose myself in anything, rather I had to bear witness to his slow, methodical pushing of me higher and higher. My fingers dug into his neck, my hips floating up, up, towards what I wasn’t sure.

“Flea...” I said, jamming my body back into the water and grinding on him but he followed me down.

“No babe, just feel.”

I couldn’t do anything else. Something inside me wound up tighter and tighter, his fingers becoming frantic. I braced my feet against the bath, my back arching without thought. A terrible pleasure seemed to build right behind my clit, my breath coming in short pants as it got more and more intense and then it broke. “Ah!” I was dimly aware I thrashed within the w

ater, some slopping over the sides but I didn’t care as a hot flare of pleasure erupted from my clit, intensifying for a moment as I gasped, then suddenly spreading throughout my body in a series of waves. His mouth covered mine as I sobbed out my response, my hands clawing at his hair, clinging like a limpet until my orgasm slowly trailed away, leaving my body like the most reluctant of lovers. I turned in the bath now, my heated muscles able to obey me with less protest. I fell upon him as I straddled his lap, reaching down to tug at his hard cock, peppering his raspy jaw with kisses before pulling him forward.

“On your feet,” I insisted, dragging him up when he protested.

“Tess, I don’t need...oh fuck!” I didn’t waste time, covering his cock with my lips and sucking him down. He groaned as my fingers curled around his base, jacking him off as my mouth bobbed up and down. “Oh Tess, oh fuck...” he ground out, his hips thrusting slightly as if he couldn’t help himself. I increased my pace. “Not gonna last.”

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