Page 30 of Thrown To The Wolf

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“Oh, fuck, Jules!” he said as my tongue swirled.

This wasn’t going to take long. Brandon had over-egged this scenario, working us up so much that all we could do was stampede towards the inevitable. I slid a hand down between me and Brandon, his body slamming into my clit with every stroke, but I pulled the hood back. Fuck, it was both too much and just so fucking right. I heard Brandon’s inarticulate cries as my cunt snapped down around him, pulsing and twitching, knowing what was about to come.

I hollowed my cheeks, forcing my mouth to tighten around Aaron’s swollen cock. I heard the ragged shift of his breath, the swell of his already considerable girth as he got that impossible hardness dicks get just before they come.

And then he did, we did. You know how friggin’ hard that it is, to get three people to spontaneously orgasm at the same time? But it happened. The feel of Aaron’s hips jerking and trembling as he struggled not to force himself too deep, the rapid and desperate pulses shooting down my throat, all had me rising and then twitching around Brandon, my muffled cries forcing Aaron to pull his still jerking cock from my mouth, as if too sensitive to take anymore. Then that all fell away, and we stood in wolf form in the great yawning darkness of our psychic space.

Aaron’s beast was big, his head lifted majestically as he surveyed the two of us. I followed his gaze when it settled, saw Brandon’s much paler beast shifting restlessly, seeming to almost dance on those long slender legs. Aaron whuffed at me, trotting over to Brandon and obviously expecting me to follow. I watched Brandon shy away as we drew closer, not running, but not entirely happy about staying either. He paced and whined, his green eyes flicking around the place, searching for threats, not expecting Aaron to come closer and push his muzzle into the smaller wolf’s fur and just sit there. I slunk up closer, feeling a tug to be a part of this, and also feeling like I should let them alone.

They are your pack, my Tirian said, taking the choice from me and moving in closer. Assume they want you until they say otherwise, not the other way around.

Smell was obviously an important part of our lives, if the guys’ reaction was anything to go by, but it was nothing while in Tirian form. I buried my nose in Brandon’s fur and felt the muscle tense under my touch. I breathed him in, the smell of wind, of dry grass, of a storm coming and the first rain. Aaron’s was similar, though there was also an undertone of wood to it. I breathed out, feeling their fur ruffle around my nose and that something else deep inside me was coming out with it. I blinked and saw the tent and our human forms reassert themselves, then turned to curl around the forms of my mates.


We lay there for some time in a comfortable silence, just hands stroking skin and hair, the only sounds the muffled ones coming from the celebration outside or our breaths. When I glanced up, the guys were grinning at me and each other.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” Aaron said, pulling me over so I fitted in the curve of his body. “Just happy. I had a lot of thoughts about what might happen on this trip. This wasn’t one of them.”

“Really? With Sylvan’s whole ‘you must become pack’ thing?” I asked.

“Not a guarantee, Jules,” he said, smoothing his hand across my stomach and pushing my hips back against his.

I could feel him thicken behind me, the spell we’d woven tonight too tenacious to die with just one session. I glanced at Brandon, who watched us with drowsy satisfaction. It seemed to be us together and the way we interacted that pleased him, as well as the hazy afterglow. That

contentment pricked at me.

“You don’t look at all surprised,” I said. His smile widened slightly. “You knew this would happen.”

“Not knew, suspected. You both are good people, you’re attracted to each other, and you’ve spent a bit of time together. All the elements for a relationship were there, so no, I’m not surprised that you made the bond.”

“And you’ve watched us come together a million times in your visions.”

“And I’ve watched you come together a million times in my visions.”

The smile dropped as he watched Aaron stiffen, then shift until he was almost sheltering me within the curve of his body. Interestingly, his dick still throbbed, hard as nails. Brandon sat up with a frown, staring down at his hands for a moment and then back at us.

“You say you love me. Well, you love a guy who has visions, who’s had many, many visions of you, both of you. Who’s seen so many slight variations of you, shaped by different events or contexts, and loves who you are now. I’m done hiding or being sorry for this. It’s who I am. I could no more change that than my eye colour.”

I went to move, but Aaron held me where I was. I wasn’t sure if it was to protect me or for his own comfort. I twisted back, looking over my shoulder at the man.

“It’s just Brandon.” Aaron’s eyes flicked from me to him and back again. “Nothing’s changed.” I held the uncomfortable position until I felt his body sag. “What is worrying you?”

This was hard for Aaron, to admit any fear. His fingers shifted restively, I heard him swallow, then clear his throat.

“What makes you fear me?”

Brandon restated my question more bluntly, his eyes shining. He got up on his knees, moving towards us, every muscle straining with the effort of keeping himself in check.

“What do you think I’m going to do? How am I a threat to you?”

His stare went on and on, waiting, demanding an answer, until finally, Aaron spoke.

“How do I know any of this is real? How do I know if this is the way it would have gone, if Jules or you would have picked me if it was all down to free will?”

“Real?” Brandon’s head tilted to one side. For once, I watched the man I loved struggle to find the words, as if finally, he’d encountered a scenario he hadn’t prepared for. His brows creased, his jaw locked, and then he threw himself at us. He kissed me first, a wild unpractised thing, forcing his tongue between my lips, clawing at my hair before sandwiching me between them and bestowing the same on Aaron. I felt his hard cock push into my ribs, felt the drag of his chest across my nipples. He didn’t let up until Aaron whimpered, shoving his dick up against me in spasmodic pulses. “Does this feel real to you? Does it feel like I orchestrated this whole thing, pushing and pulling you around to my liking?” His teeth ground when Aaron didn’t answer. “You think I control you? Well then, let me show you what that’s like.” He glanced down at me. “Lift your leg and hook it back over Aaron’s hip.”

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