Page 31 of Thrown To The Wolf

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“Do it.”

I obeyed, feeling open and vulnerable in a way I never had before, as Aaron’s hand took my leg and situated it comfortably hooked over his. My thighs were spread, the dampness between them cooling in the evening air.

“Look at you,” Brandon purred, his eyes cool and flat, but he looked me over with something that appeared to be satisfaction. I balked at that, that he would display me so blatantly, look me over like I was a prize piece of meat, and yet…

I knew Brandon loved me. I knew he was always looking out for me, wanting to make sure I was safe and sane when having sex, so it was perhaps the abandonment of that, however temporarily, that had my clit twitching. This was Brandon off the chain. I could feel the thick length of Aaron’s cock close, but not close enough. He shifted underneath me, making small, blind, stabbing motions, trying to rectify that.

“He’s desperate to get into that hot little cunt, and you want him thrusting in you, irrespective of whether it’ll hurt. Is your clit aching? Can you feel the air brushing against it and wanting something a whole lot firmer?” We both nodded feverishly. “Grab your cock,” he told Aaron. “Line it up, but don’t push it in.”

My eyes fell closed as I felt Aaron’s fingers move, creating friction but not enough. I gasped when I felt his cock shift, my hips tipping back, wanting to aid the process in any way I could. There’s that thing when you’ve had a lover for some time. You know just how good they’re going to feel going in, and you start to crave it—and I did. As Brandon’s eyes burned, watching the two of us follow his order with a fierce expression on his face, I wriggled against Aaron, trying to close the deal.

“Hold her still,” he commanded.

Brandon took in every one of my gasps, every grunt of frustration with a smile. His face looked like a mask, none of my soft-eyed bookworm left.

“Want it, do you? Want him to thrust inside you? Flick your little clit?”

“You know I do,” I replied.

“Shut up, both of you. No more bloody words until I say so, unless it’s ‘Tirian.’ That tells me everything needs to stop right now. Otherwise moan, cry, scream, I don’t fucking care, but no more words.”

Brandon laid down beside us, his head level with my groin. I imagine we both watched as he reached out with one finger, our skin jumping in anticipation. He reached me first, drawing an inexorable line down my pubic mound, diving into the cleft, forging a path down the hood of my clit, forcing my body to twitch and jerk as it skated on past rather than stroking it over and over. I held out hope as it slid through my folds, my skin well lubricated by his spent seed and my own excitement, and for a second, my heart went to my throat as his finger dipped just inside me. Yes! I thought, imagining those long fingers stabbing in and…

I heard Aaron’s moan when Brandon moved past me and made contact with the other man, felt the throb of his cock, the tremble of his fingers as he fought to hold his dick in place, just as Brandon had said. Brandon’s smile was slow and carnivorous as he took in every indication of an internal struggle.

He must have taken control of Aaron’s cock as I felt him stiffen, then my folds were spread open by a thick length forcing their way through them. Not inside me, though my cunt twitched in anticipation of that. No, he rubbed the other man’s organ over me, the friction welcome yet frustrating. It was so much more than before and not enough.

“Pull your hood back,” Brandon said to me. “Now,” when I didn’t move fast enough. My fingers slid down, and he watched every movement, eyes narrowing, as if waiting for me to disobey and stroke the poor thing as I needed. “Don’t worry.” Those grey eyes met mine. “He’ll give you what you want in just a second.” He shot a look over my shoulder. “Rub your cock along her seam. Feel that sweet, wet cling. Drag the head across her clit. She won’t want that just yet. She’s not quite ready, but she’ll tolerate it, or she’ll say the word. Then, when she's gasping, when she’s humming your name despite my orders that she say nothing, only then will I let you thrust this into her cunt. Do you understand me?” I felt the jiggle behind me that I assumed was a nod. “Be a good girl,” Brandon said as I jumped, “and I’ll go down on you as he fucks you, sucking your clit, licking up all the juices the two of you make.”

He knew us so fucking well, it was frightening. The tension of pulling my hood back, the stretch in my hips from the position, the harsh drag of Aaron’s dick as he worked it against my clit, all of it had me squirming. I wanted slow, considerate licks or gentle strokes, drawing me higher and higher, but instead, I felt like it was being gently bludgeoned. Brandon grinned cruelly as my back went rigid, then my spine started twisting like a snake. He grabbed hold of my hip bone, forcing me to stay still.

"Those sounds. I’ll never get used to those sounds.”

My eyes fluttered open. Brandon watched the two of us like we were his favourite show. He got what he wanted. Those gasps, sometimes bleeding into yips, flowed from my lips without thinking. I couldn’t hold them back, couldn’t hold anything back. Arousal always felt like a slow burning flame that flared harder with provocation, but this was next level. I was on fire. My heart beat with the pulses of my cunt, clutching at emptiness, longing for that brutal dick to slide home where I needed it the most. I was getting closer and closer, but there was no pleasure in it. I wanted, needed something other than this fucking scene.


“And there it is. Hold the position, but fuck her. Fuck her until she comes and then some more.”

Brandon’s words were a promise and a threat all rolled into one, but I didn’t care. Aaron shifted the angle of his dick, lining the sodden head up, and then drove himself inside me. My eyes went wide.

Brandon watched with a terrible glee, his own cock throbbing, neglected. He didn’t seem to need any physical stimulus, just the sight of my mouth in a perfect O, Aaron’s arms slapping around me, holding me to him as he rutted. His lips grazed messily against my neck, his breath coming too fast to do much else. I found my body suddenly stilled, no longer thrashing wildly, then I worked my hips backwards in time to Aaron’s thrusts, and we finally worked together as a team.

“Good girl,” Brandon said, and slithered forward. I watched him through slitted eyes, unable to focus as his head dropped down. He stuck his tongue out, for all the world like a naughty child, and gave me the side eye before he made contact.

Fuuuck. I thrashed against Aaron’s arms. I was done with this. I would shove Brandon down, ride that insolent face, and tip my hips back far enough to let Aaron in. We’d drip feed him the juices he so desperately wanted. But we didn’t. Aaron seemed to sense I was about to make my escape, and his arms locked down as his teeth bit down on my shoulder.

Jesus fucking Christ! Is that what they felt when I bit them?

I liked to bandy around flaming metaphors, but I really was on fire. Venom dripped down my neck, scoring my flesh as it went, and my skin felt hotter and hotter as he held on. My body worked on automatic, taking every stroke and giving back just as hard. During sex, it might be my clit aching or my nipples pulling tight, but this was my whole body. It felt like the air itself caressed me, as every square inch of my skin sensitised. And while I crested higher and higher, my throat raw now from the ragged sounds I was making, I just wanted to keep on going. This was something beyond mere fucking, this was transcendence.

I felt Brandon’s tongue doing just as he’d said, making the sweetest of love to the place where Aaron and I joined, worshipping every centimetre. That’s what it was, I now realised—worship. My free hand landed on his scalp, and his eyes tilted up to meet mine, glowing green in the low light, and then I was gone.

Orgasm for me was usually an ‘oh, oh, oh fuck!’ moment, followed by sweet spasming pleasure, then a slump on the bed and a burning desire for a nap. This was so far from that, I had no idea what word to use to describe it. For every pulse of my cunt came a sweeping wave of pleasure that swept through me from toes to fingertips. And it didn’t stop. Right when it began to trail away, it swept up again, until it felt like I was caught in a tide that was never going to go out. Aaron was tangled in it too, thrusting into me and unloading in pulses that mimicked my internal tides.

Which didn’t prepare me for what came next.

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