Page 46 of The Wolf At My Door

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“Oh fuck!” Finn said, slamming himself hard inside me. I could feel every pulse of his cum. I moved automatically onto the bench top, crawling up beside Shaun, but he slipped off. I frowned, but he spread my legs wide and moved in, mouth open.

“Join me,” I said before he made his first swipe. He paused, and then waited for me to reposition myself before climbing on top. His head ducked down to give my clit a few quick licks, so I wrapped my hand around the root of his cock and sucked the crown between my lips. His muffled moan sent a shiver of vibrations into my clit, which felt delicious. I responded by arching my neck and letting him push deeper down my throat. My hand crept up and trailed along the inside of his thigh before cupping his balls. They were high and tight, he wasn’t going to last long, so I let my tongue wriggle along his length as he slid in and out. Right now, I was in a holding pattern, his mouth was a lovely sucking pressure, working me higher and higher, but I needed something more. As if thinking it made it so, long hard fingers pushed into me making me groan around Shaun’s cock. His hips jerked at the sensation, forcing himself down a little further than I was used to.

“What a sight to wake up to. Turn her over, Shaun so we can all play.”

I nearly cried out as the lips on my clit detached, but in a blur of motion, I was repositioned into the same position, except now I was the 9 rather than the 6. The hands in the room seemed to have multiplied. Fingers pushed in, circled my breasts, plucked at my nipples, ran over my butt.

“Pass me the lube,” one of them said, and then a now familiar well greased pressure began to push against my arse. I nearly choked when it popped inside, my mouth going wide, and Shaun pushing his cock in deeper. The same feeling, of being carried along, swept away by the pleasure, wrung from my body. It was too much, a cacophony of sensation from so many sites, they were beginning to blend together into one overwhelming wave. The fingers in my cunt curled up sharply just as Shaun began to thrust, fast and erratic down my throat. I groaned as the orgasm finally broke, pulling me everywhere at once. Strangely, the sensation of Shaun’s cum spasmodically spurting just added to it.

When reality reasserted itself, I found there were four naked guys around me, two looking drained and tired, the other two with lazy smiles. “How are you feeling?” Brandon asked, running a hand through my hair as Shaun wriggled free and climbed down off the bench top.

“Good. No, that’s a manifestly inadequate word. I was dying, wasn’t I?” He nodded. “I don’t know how to put it into words, it’s kind of overwhelmed, drained, hot, satisfied. Actually, that’s probably the best word for it, satisfied.” He, all of them, smiled at that. Apparently, that was the goal this morning. I jumped down next to Slade and Brandon and looked down. “But you aren’t.”

“Don’t worry too much about that,” Slade said, pulling me closer into a hug that Brandon quickly joined. “We are masters of rubbing a quick one out if needed. The early birds get the worm, so to speak.”

“So you don’t want me to…” I said, circling Slade’s dick with one hand and Brandon’s with the other. They both shivered in response.

“But if you’re done…” Brandon said breathily.

“Yeah, but you’re not. I get I was all ‘do this, then that’ last night, but I’m not about to turn into a dick just because I can grow fur at will,” I said. “Let’s go into the bedroom where small children are less likely to see what we’re up to.”

“No kids near the honeymoon house,” Slade said, slinging an arm around my shoulders as we walked. “You guys coming?”

“I’m going to make some breakfast. I imagine everyone will be starving,” Finn said.

My stomach growled in a Pavlovian response.

“Be right back,” I said. “What about you, Shaun?” He seemed to be the least comfortable with the group. His eyes flicking to the other men, as if worried about their reaction.

“I’d love to, but I don’t have another one in me for a bit, sorry,” he said.

I saw just how big the bed was when we re-entered the bedroom, it looked like several king size mattresses stitched together. Shaun reclined on one side, watching my hands run up and down the men’s bodies.

“I think this is the first time I’ve really seen you,” I said, suddenly feeling a little shy in front of Brandon. He was the guy recommending romance novels and talking about feminism to me a few days ago. He felt like something else altogether now. I shoved him back so he landed on the bed, looking a bit wide-eyed as Slade flopped down next to him. “Now, what was it you were doing to me last night?” I said, running my fingers gently up and down his inner thighs. He arched slightly under my ministrations, trying to direct my hands to where he wanted them, but I didn’t play along. Instead I turned to Slade. Smirking at Brandon, I grabbed Slade’s dick and licked it slowly like a lollipop.

“Oh, fuck…” one of them groaned, I wasn’t sure who. I wrapped my fingers firmly around the base and licked from there to head, swirled my tongue and then back down again in few slithering movements. “Uh..!” it must have been Slade. His hips started to move, thrusting up desperately as I sucked his knob, trying to force it deeper into my mouth. “C’mon, honey, you want breakfast, and you’ve still got to do Brandon,” Slade said.

“If you’re going to complain,” I said, releasing my hold. I smiled at Slade’s hiss of frustration, and then shifted over to Brandon. He looked down the length of his body, arms propped up on his elbows as he watched me draw closer. This was the first time I’d seen him up close and personal; I hadn’t been in the right frame of mind yesterday. He was long, longer than most of the guys, but not as thick and rigid, veins standing out proudly. I placed a careful kiss on his hipbone, prominent against his olive skin, slowly, slowly trailing my lips down, only to pull away at the last minute.

“For the love of all that’s holy, I’ll

never tease you again if you… unh!”

“Mmmm…” I purred as I took him in my mouth, almost smiling around his length as his hips bucked at the vibrations.

“Gods, Jules…” he gasped as I stopped stuffing about, taking him deep and sucking hard. I jerked my head up and down his dick, feeling the involuntary twitches and shifts of his muscles as I pushed him higher. “Not gonna… Gonna come if….”

I rolled away from him as his gasps grew strained, chuckling at Brandon’s howls of frustration, then turned to Slade. He watched me with slitted eyes, but his dick was still straining hard. “You little bitch,” he said rolling to his knees. He grabbed my hair at the base and pulled me closer, trying to shove his cock past my lips, but I refused to open. He let go finally in frustration, he was beginning to learn. As a reward, I slowly swallowed his dick down and then began to move. Perhaps learning a lesson from Brandon, Slade stayed quiet, only the steady rasp of his breath giving his growing arousal away. He started to get my rhythm, trying to join in and thrust his dick inside my mouth, but I merely slowed my movements and drew back until I sucked on only the tip. “Jules, please!”

I pulled back and listened with a smirk for Slade’s cursing to slow down. When he was quiet, I gestured to both of them to come closer. Their brows creased and they looked furtively at each other as they shuffled a little closer, then a bit closer again until finally, their twitching dicks almost touched. I grabbed each of them and took the almost out of the equation, ignoring their spluttered complaints and shutting them up with a long lick along the gap between them. My tongue was sandwiched between their erections, forced flat to caress the both of them. When I got to the heads, I pulled back and began to lick a figure eight that wound around each man’s knob. I looked up to see if their protests were really in earnest, then opened and wide and did my best to take as much of them as I could inside.

“Unh!” their grunts were synchronised, both seeming lost in the sensations. It was uncomfortable and ungainly, I was sure my teeth were scraping them up something fierce, but neither seemed to care. I felt the slight shifts of their hips, the muscles of their buttocks taut as they struggled to stay stationary. I wrapped my hands firmly around the base of each guy, jacking them off as I sucked.

“Fuck Jules….”

“Gonna come,” Brandon said. “Please….”

“Mmmm…” I hummed, and increased my pace.

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