Page 45 of The Wolf At My Door

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“You’re gonna have to stay still for this, princess,” Slade grated, lowering my hips and then pushing himself up into me. My eyes rolled closed as the two of them got to work. The contrast of the silky soft caresses of Brandon’s tongue and his suckling mouth, and Slade’s rigid thrusts sent me limp, and I fought to keep myself upright. I felt at sea, tossed around by forces larger than me, my pleasure pulled from me rather than as a result of my own actions. This rankled me a little, but the dual sensations… I chose to surrender for this moment, they worked to maximise my pleasure. I could knock them back into line afterwards. Brandon’s lips became more demanding, sucking hard on my most sensitive spot, almost pulling the flesh from my bone and wringing intense sensations this side of pain and pleasure. The muscles in me grew tight and tense.

“Get her there,” Slade snapped. “Can’t…much longer.” Brandon’s mouth grew hungry, and Slade shifted his angle slightly and… Oh, fuck! That aching spot deep inside swelled in response, plumping out under the hard thrusting attention. I felt the prickle of orgasm, little pinpricks of pleasure all starting to fire at once, and then… Slade rolled into me as my body twitched and pulsed, cutting through my response until he finally slammed in as far as he could go, jerking and spasming against me.

I slid off Slade, legs trembling, and then got on my hands and knees. “More.”

“On it,” Brandon said. No more teasing touches, he rubbed his cock against my entrance and then slammed into me. Fuck yes! My body, still sensitised by orgasm, was ready to pick right up where we were. His pace was punishing. Instead of the slow build to orgasm, I’d almost stayed where I was, in the delicious state of pleasure just before you come, his hard thrusts keeping me there and pushing me higher. I spread my legs slightly, letting him shove in deeper so he bottomed out, making me feel completely full. His thumb swept along my folds as he fucked me, and I didn’t know why until his hand snaked down my spine, to my butt. His finger was slippery as it swiped across my arse, gentle at first, and then insistent. I groaned as he pushed his thumb in, and then it all came undone.

I didn’t know what he was doing, what I was doing, as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm me. It felt almost like an out of body experience, pure joyous exhilaration. The world, everything, was alright, a sweet, sharp place of endless ecstasy. I dimly felt myself coming and coming, like each orgasm provoked the next. I was helpless, swept along by the waves, completely abandoning myself to it. It took me a long time to come back to myself, but when I did, I found I was laid down in a cocoon of bodies, panting.

“You OK, princess?” Slade croaked. I couldn’t piece together the meaning of the words, let alone a response. It was the sensation that I noticed most, the feeling of all of this hard flesh around me. My eyelids felt like lead, and the ache in my body had finally been sated, so I let myself go loose and fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning somewhere quite different. I was in a bed, a very big bed, inside a plain white room, the sun streaming in through a large window with a view of the forest. I was also not alone. I looked up to see three bodies curled around mine. As I shifted, I felt a twinge of pain, not sharp, more like a strained muscle or something. I glanced at my hands and then under the sheet, noticing I no longer had the stitches or wounds, not even scars to mark where they were. I was also clean, which seemed strange after last night’s hijinks. Uh! I felt a spasm of pleasure down low, reminding me just how much fun I had with that. I rolled my eyes, I had surely had enough sex to last me for years to come. I felt the slickness between my thighs as I shifted, trying to climb free to my feet. Apparently not.

I headed into the kitchen after going to the bathroom, and looked around. The place smelled of dust and a slight dankness, as if it had been locked up for some time. There was a box sitting on the counter with a jug and some coffee, thank god. I looked out the window after putting on the kettle, and that’s when I saw them. I moved to the door, unable to believe what I saw.

Rows of men sat or stood on the grass outside the house, watching. A ripple went through the crowd as I emerged outside, spines straightening, men getting to their feet. I felt the tension in the air multiply exponentially. My head snapped to the right when I saw one of them had camped out on the porch, his face a mask of blood. He winced when he got up, only managing an awkward hopping limp. His body was torn, that’s the only word for it, I saw furrows over much of it, even over his scalp. Most of his hair was a matted bloody mass, but a few blond strands fluttered free, almost in mockery of his state. My hand jerked to my mouth. “Shaun?” He nodded slowly, each movement costing him.

“I need to shift.”

“You’re asking me permission? Of course, do that. Oh my god!” I watched his transformation, painfully slow. At times, it looked like his body was fighting against it, wanting to stay human. Finally, he collapsed and turned into a grey Tirian, whining mournfully, then came to lay himself at my feet. I looked back at the crowd, saw some of the men were unfamiliar, older, and thought back to what Brandon had said about the bonds between packs breaking down when affection ends. Is that where they had come from? Their wives’ beds?

“What do you want?” I snapped. They just watched me with flat staring eyes, knowing what I did, that they wanted what the guys inside had. I looked them over for a moment and felt a pang of fear. Shaun had obviously stood guard last night and held them off, but how was it possible? He was only one, and they were many. “I don’t want you! Any of you!” Liar, the voice in my head said. Helpfully, my brain supplied me a blow by blow memory of my fight with the horde of them. Part of my exultation was in the carnage I had wrought, seeing the scratches and gouges on their flesh as a celebration of this, and wondered what a more sensual experience with the group of them might be like. I grimaced, I’d just fucked two guys I’d not slept with before and had my first threesome, foursome, whatever. Taking on thirty odd blokes, irrespective of the fact I was now a shapeshifting wolf monster, was a bit beyond the pale for me. What had happened to the ones I’d slashed and gutted? I thought in belated alarm. My eyes searched for signs of old wounds that would let me know, but I couldn’t see any. “If I choose anyone else for my bed, I’ll let you know. But you stay here, you automatically get nothing. Now, get off of my property!” My voice held the echoey growl of my Tirian form, and the effect was instantaneous. As one, the men turned, some on two feet, some shifting to four. Shaun came over and rubbed his great head against my shoulder, and I dug my fingers into his fur. I was amazed that despite its strange smoky appearance, it still felt like raw silk. When I looked back into the house, I saw Finn in the kitchen, watching me with a small smile on his face.

I was still frowning as I went back into the kitchen to grab a coffee, Finn putting one in my hands and then surrounding me, his chest against my back, his arms on either side of me grabbing the bench top. I should have felt crowded, overwhelmed, but as his scent settled around me, the feel of his skin against mine, something inside me loosened and relaxed. “I just told a bunch of guys off, naked,” I said, belatedly realising that clothes are usually a requirement for social interactions.

“Yeah, you did,” he said, burying his head in my neck and trailing light kisses there.

“Shaun got fucked up last night. Seriously, he looks like he’s been ten rounds with a meat grinder.”

Finn pulled back a little, sweeping my hair back into place and took the hand without the mug in it. “He stood guard. Usually we would post more guys, but we didn’t have more, and everyone was a bit…distracted. He did that voluntarily, with honour. He was worried because of the way the two of you had left things that coming to your bed last night would be a presumption. He was trying to prove his worth to you, Jules.” I looked over at the huge animal who was curled up on the bare dining room floor.

“And if he hadn’t?” I asked.

“No man here is as strong as you are now, not even several men together would be enough to overpower you. But a large group of guys,” my brain flashed to the memory of Macca and his pre-made pack, “that can be harder to fight off. Now we know you can shift, we’ll start training you. Aaron has a program worked out for you. Once the honeymoon is over, you’ll start training every day.”

“The honeymoon? Are we married? Is this arrangement permanent?”

“No, they call it that because everyone is…” He pushed his hands between my thighs and speared his fingers upwards, making me groan. “…very receptive.”

Which was how I ended up bent over the kitchen bench as he went to work. He didn’t draw out the foreplay like Brandon did. Instead, his almost rough caresses provoked a different kind of pleasure. I seemed to slip between the hard thickness of his fingers, a dizzying flurry of sensations rippling through my body as he moved mo

re urgently, from sliding two fingers in a V along the sides of my clit, to shoving them inside me and spreading me wide for him. “Fuck me…” I growled, feeling myself drip in anticipation.

“But I--”

“Do it!” In the cold, hard light of day, my pushy Tirian behaviour seemed really weird, especially as I remembered how overbearing I had been last night. I couldn’t seem to help it, it just slipped out, like getting snappy when sleep deprived. I heard a rustling and then all of a sudden, he was pushing in. “Oh, fuck…” I gasped, going up on tip toes, almost as much to move away from him, as to make it easier for him to get inside me.

“There,” he panted once he was in deep, waiting, for me to move? For my body to adjust? I didn’t know. His hand snuck around, then started to circle my clit, and I shifted, grinding down on him.

“Hard…fast…” I said, the cold stone of the bench top pinching at my nipples as they caught on the surface.


“Not going to last long,” I said, feeling a deep pressure build. Like many women, orgasm could be easy as falling off a log, or a far-off planet I was never going to visit, but was a process made a whole lot easier by my transformation. I could feel it now, a low down burn that I could reach for at any time. I could have multiple, hard quick ones, or put it off and put it off for one big payoff that would bring me to my knees. That knowledge, that surety, was enough to make me relax into his strokes. I hadn’t realised how much anxiety about being able to get there had been ticking away in the back of my mind. I stretched out, my spine a flat line, and spread my legs further. “Harder,” I growled.

I was so going to regret this later. He was too deep, too fast, but right now the stretching sensation that should have hurt just sent indescribable waves of pleasure through my body. His fingers dug into my hip, forcing me hard against him, and I closed my eyes. Something soft brushed against my lips, and my eyes snapped open to see Shaun in human form and healed, perched on top of kitchen bench with a question in his eyes. I drew him closer, my tongue burying itself in his mouth when our lips touched. His hands dropped to my breasts, circling and tugging at my nipples.

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