Page 75 of Anagram

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“Reagan, please.”

Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I refuse him. Well, I do in my head anyway and try to act nonchalant. It really doesn’t work, because as if he’s got a magnet pointed at me, my head lifts up and his withdrawn and regretful eyes are staring right back at me.

My phone rings from over on the counter. I can’t wait to answer it so I can move away from his intense stare. My heart sinks when I see who’s on the other end.

I accept the call and lift my cell to my ear before saying hello.

“Reagan, some things have come to light today. I think it would be best if you take the rest of the week off, suspended with pay, of course. I’d like you to come back in on Monday at eight a.m.”

“Can I ask why?”

“Well, along with the problem with the Sphinx account, I have gotten some reports of bullying. Maybe you should take this time to consider if this job is for you.”

I don’t get to stick up for myself, I don’t have the chance to answer, because all I get is the beeps from him hanging up.

A puff of air leaves my mouth as I drop down onto a stool. A lump develops in the back of my throat as it closes up. I can’t breathe, I feel stifled. A flush covers my body, and not a good one this time. Still in my work clothes, the sweat coats my body and I have to open another button of the shirt I’m wearing.

Everett must see the change in me and is in front of me in no time.

“Don’t touch me.” The tears I’ve tried to hold back since he arrived finally begin to freefall down my cheeks, and I can’t wipe them away quick enough.

Everett pulls his hand back and crouches down in front of me. “Reagan, what happened? Let me help you.”

Staring into his eyes is definitely my biggest downfall. It doesn’t take long for my sobs to take hold. My body starts to shake, I wrap my arms around myself for comfort. I feel cold from the inside…

Everett reaches his hand out to me and I know he’s having second thoughts about touching me right now. I cover my face with my hands and cry into my palms. Big fat tears soak my hands as I let everything out. I feel Everett’s hands on me. I know I probably shouldn’t let him touch me, but I can’t help it. I need him.

Pulling me against him, my forehead falls to his shoulder and I cry. I let myself lean on him for just a minute.



Wrapping my arms around Reagan, her body relaxes against mine as she cries. Burying my face into her hair, I press my lips to the top of her head in a gentle kiss while her body is wracked with sobs. I know this isn’t over, it’s far from it.

I have no fucking idea what’s going on. I don’t know why all of this is happening, but I’m going to find out.

Reagan sniffs back her tears, lifts her head, and looks up at me. I lift my hand and reach out, but she moves out of range. She swipes the tips of her fingers beneath her eyes and stands upright. She sucks in a deep breath and blows it out again. “I need you to leave.”

“What? Fuck. Reagan.” I’m not the kind of man to beg, but I know I did nothing. “Please let me explain. I did nothing. I swear to you.”

“It didn’t look that way from the doorway… I just need to sort my head out.”

“What you saw and what happened are honestly two completely different things.” My jaw grinds as my teeth clamp together. I want to respect her wishes, but on the other hand I need to make her see the truth of the situation. “Let me share my side of the story.”

Reagan shutting herself off, I attempt to make eye contact, but she avoids it. I know I won’t get through to her. Slipping my hands into my pockets, I take a step away from her. Finally, she lifts her chin and looks me in the eye. Moving back toward her, standing toe to toe, I take her chin in my cupped hand, bringing her eyes to mine, our noses almost touching. “Fine. I’ll give you your space, but I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. I won’t give up; I can promise you that.”

A tear rolls from her eye and down her cheek. “She’s out to get me, Ev, and I don’t know why. I told you and you didn’t believe me. So why would I believe you now?” She sighs. “Please, Everett, don’t make this any harder for me.”

“For you. Don’t my feelings count at all?” With a frustrated sigh, I loosen my hold on her chin and drop my hand. When she doesn’t say anything, I shrug, all the fight leaving my body and my heart sinking.

Without another look back, I walk to the front door and pull it open. I pause for a second in the hopes that she may have a change of heart, but I know I’m grasping at straws. Maybe this is just for tonight, but maybe this is forever.

All I can think about as I ride the elevator down to my car is how I should’ve told her that I love her. Maybe, just maybe, I might have been able to cut through that thick exterior. That invisible forcefield that she surrounds herself with.



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