Page 74 of Anagram

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“Reagan has done that? Um, alright, thank you for bringing this to my attention, Margie. I’ll handle it from here.”

“Th-thank you for listening to me, Mr. Hicks. I really didn’t have anywhere else to turn. I don’t want to get anyone in trouble though.” I make my breath shudder in the back of my throat to give the whole act the full effect.

“No, no, I’m glad you did. You just let me handle everything. Will you be okay?”

“I’ll be fine, thank you. I feel better already getting it off my chest.”

“That’s good. I’m so sorry this has happened, Margie. But I will assure you now, we do not accept bullying in my firm. This matter will be dealt with accordingly.” There’s a small pause before he speaks again. “I’ll be in touch.”

The dial tone sounds in my ear and I put the receiver down. A smug grin tugs at the corners of my mouth.

Today has been a good day.

Phase three of taking down Reagan Quinn is complete.

Soon, Reagan Quinn will be a distant memory of this place.

Oh, how the mighty fall.



Once I reach my apartment, I parked and break down. The tears in the elevator were the start of it, but I wiped them away; there was no way I could’ve driven if I’d started crying.I was long overdue for this breakdown anyway.

When I reached the parking lot level of EB Pharmaceuticals, all I could see was Everett’s broken expression. I nearly took the elevator back up, but then I remembered how I’d caught them. What if I walked in on something else? What if he was screwing her? I couldn’t even begin to imagine what I’d do.

Letting the tears fall, I know I’m crying for something that was probably never meant to be, but it doesn’t stop me from knowing that I loved him though. Because I did. I was just too scared to tell him. Everett Brooks worked his way into my heart, and I have no idea how the hell I’m going to put myself back together after this.

I shouldn’t be surprised. It was always going to happen at some point, best it happened now rather than further down the line.

Sniffing back my tears, my breath shudders in the back of my throat as I try to regain my composure. I wipe my face with the back of my hand, clearing the moisture from my cheeks, and grab my purse. My cell rings and I freeze. I have an idea who it could be without looking, but because I’m a glutton for punishment, I look anyway. Just seeing Everett’s name on my screen makes me cry again. He rang me earlier and I ignored him. The ringing stops, but immediately starts back up again. I reject the call and send it to voicemail before throwing my phone back into my purse.

I lock my car and head for the elevator, keeping my head down so I don’t have to look at anyone. I know I look horrible.

Thankfully, I make it to my apartment without seeing anyone. Once I’m inside, I take out my cell and drop my purse on the breakfast counter. I call Terry and head for my bedroom. I don’t tell him too many details, making up an excuse as for why I can’t go back to work today—personal reasons is how I explain it. He accepts my excuse and tells me to keep him informed.

I hold in the button on the side of my cell and wait for it to shut down and turn the fucking thing off throwing it on the floor. There’s nothing like burying your head in the sand, or pillow in my case, and forgetting your problems. It suddenly dawns on me that it’s not just me in this scenario. Hayden is involved too. How do I tell him that yet again someone has cheated on him?

Margie told me she was meeting him today. Another lie to add to the growing pile.

Feeling nothing but pure exhaustion taking over my body, I’m soon drifting off to sleep.

I wake to someone banging on the door. I’m not sure how long I’ve been asleep, but my head is throbbing. I don’t need this right now; I can’t deal with him right now. Maybe if I lie here and ignore him, he’ll go away. I don’t think I have the strength to talk to him. The banging stops for less than a minute before it starts all over again. Rolling over to my side, I tug the pillow over my head, only to throw it off again because all I can smell is Everett’s scent.

Flopping onto my back, I sigh when the banging stops again. But then I hear him. His deep voice. My eyes close while I try to find the strength to go to the door. I see my phone and lean off the end of the bed to grab it. I power it on again and see a voicemail. I press call and wait for his message: “Reagan, please answer me. I swear to you there is nothing going on. I’m not even sure what that was, but what you saw wasn’t what you think. Baby, I can’t explain over a damn phone, please talk to me. Please pick up. There are so many things I need to say to you and I’d rather do it face to face and not like this.”

“Baby?” I repeat quietly to myself. “Damn you, Everett Brooks.”

I push to the edge of the bed and sit up. I drag my tired and weary body up off the bed and make my way through the apartment, passing the mirror that sits in the hallway on my way to the front door. I stall for a second, looking at my reflection. My mascara has run from my lashes and I have black smudges under my eyes. At least he can see what he’s done to me. I can’t look at myself anymore. I move to the front door and push up to my tiptoes, looking through the peephole. He looks disheveled; his hair is a mess, like he’s dragged his hands through it and tugged on it in frustration over and over. He’s dressed in a tee and gray sweatpants, so he’s been home. I drop my forehead to the door and rest it against the cold surface.

“I know you’re there, Rae. Please open the door.” His voice is quiet, and if I’m not mistaken, he sounds distraught.

Against my better judgement, I open the door. He stands before me, hands in his pockets, slightly hunched over as he looks at me. I’m not going to let him persuade me. No way. I spin away from him and make my way to the living room, folding my arms across my chest, my toe tapping on the rug, waiting for him to come in.

He walks into the apartment and sits down on the edge of the couch, setting his elbows on his knees before palming his face in his cupped hands, scrubbing them over his face. Then he has the nerve to look me in the face. His sorrowful expression is way too much for me and I have to look away.

I focus back on my toe that’s still tapping away on the floor. “What do you want, Everett?”

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