Page 49 of Anagram

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“Your assistant? How?”

“She’s changed her whole look. And it’s making me feel a little crazy.”

“The suspense is killing me, Reagan.”

“She’s changed the way she dresses for work. She’s started wearing makeup. She keeps trying to hit on with Everett, and she’s very friendly with Terry Hicks, my boss.” I sigh and shake my head. Hearing it out loud really does make me sound crazy. “Now, she’s dyed her hair.”

From the corner of my eye I see Cruella de Vil pop her head around the corner. “Ruby, your next appointment has just arrived.” She directs her evil eyes at me again and disappears from sight.

“Shit! I’ll be back in a second.”

Lifting the cup to my lips, I think maybe the caffeine will calm me a little, but my leg starts to shake. I put the cup down and waited patiently.

Ruby comes back and sits down. “Sorry, go on, but I’ve only got five minutes, max. What color has she dyed it?’

“Fucking blonde,” I screech as quietly as I can. “Why blonde? And she keeps saying she wished she was more like me. I’m starting to think it’s all a little strange.”

Ruby chuckles. “Maybe she wants in your panties.”

“That’s not even funny, Rue.”

“I’m sorry, babe.” She tries to hide her grin behind her cup, but it doesn’t work, so she drinks her coffee instead. Getting up from the stool she was perched on, she puts her cup in the sink. “Honestly, Reagan, I think there is something, I’m just not sure what. But she did give me a vibe. Maybe see what happens for a while longer, and if nothing changes, confront her. You’re the boss—remember that.” she says, and I get up and put my cup in the sink too.

“Look, I have to get to this appointment. If I don’t, she’ll complain like hell. Give me a call later if you need me.”

We hug and I thank her for listening to me rant. My headache is a little better, but the mess swimming around in it is just as foggy. But I’ll figure shit out, I always do.

I leave Ruby to her work and walk through the salon, waving to Cruella with a huge grin as I pass her.I may be a big chief exec, but I can always be a bigger bitch than anyone around.

I feel the daggers burning into the back of my head as I pull open the door and make my way to my car.

By the time I get home, my headache is finally beginning to clear. Rather than work from home like I’d originally planned, I decide to give myself a break and de-stress. Going into the bathroom, I run myself a hot bubble bath. This tub had sold me on the house. With the swirled feet, it was freestanding and sat perfectly on a platform. As the hot water mixes with the strawberry bubble bath, I already start to feel the stress lifting. I grab one of the fluffiest towels I can find and stripped out of my clothes.

Just as I’m about to sink a toe into the bubbles, my cell rings. Typical. I think about ignoring it, I put both feet back on the ground and grab my phone from the counter. Sighing, I swipe across the screen and lift it to my ear. “Mr. Hicks, hi. How are you?”

“Where are you, Reagan?”

“I’m at home. I had a killer migraine and couldn’t concentrate.”

“Why didn’t you tell Margie where you were going?”

My eyebrows drew together in a frown. “I did. She told me she’d handle what needed to be done in my absence.”

“That’s not what she told me, Reagan.” He sighs tiredly.

“I was beginning to get flashes in my eyes and my head was pounding. What was I supposed to do?”

“Well, if it happens again, please make it clear to her why you’re leaving and make sure I know too. How are you feeling now?”

“A little better. I’ll be logged into my computer in a little bit.”

“Very well. I’ll be in touch tomorrow.”

The line goes dead before I can even say goodbye. It’s not the first time he’s just hung up on me.

So much for de-stressing. I feel even more stressed after talking to him. And I know for a fact I told Margie that I was leaving because I had a migraine.

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