Page 48 of Anagram

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I turn her screen off again, having absolutely no idea what the password could be. I open the drawer at the side of the desk to see if she keeps anything interesting here. You’d be surprised what an office drawer could tell you about a person. This one, however, tells me nothing. Just a whole lot of pens, pencils, calculator…a personal calendar.

Taking the small black book from the drawer, I quickly flick through pages. I only find business appointments. Boring.

Realizing I’m not going to find what I need, I go back to my own office and sit down. I take my cell from my bag and see a message on the lock screen.

I know we haven’t seen each other for a while, but I’d really like to see you again. What do you think? Let me know. I’ve missed you.

Clicking on the camera option, I hold up my cell, snap a picture of my new hair color, and send it to him. I hope he likes it.

Three dots appear, and I wait patiently for his reply. Wow! Sexy! I love it.

I say: We can meet up later if you want. Meet me in the bar, the one we went to last time, at 7.

I know he’ll come to me. Things are looking up. I smile to myself at the thought, feeling smug.

Now to get to work.

The door opens and a tall shadow hovers over my desk. I looked up and see Everett.

“Mr. Brooks. Can I help you?”

“Wow. You’re blonde.” Everett’s eyes are wide as he looks me over.

“Do you like it?” I tip my head to the side twirling a lock of hair around my finger I want to say I don’t actually care what he thinks, but it seems I do. It seemed like the right thing to ask. I mean we can’t all be perfect like Reagan fucking Quinn.

“I was passing through on the way back to the office and thought I’d pop in and see Ms. Quinn. We have some business to go over.”

I raise an eyebrow at that. “I’m sure you do.” It was his turn to cock an eyebrow this time. “But I’m afraid you’re too late, she just left for the day. Said something about meeting up with someone.”

I shrug because there’s nothing else I can say. I suppose I could have told him the truth, but how do I know it was the truth. I stand up, round the desk, and lay a hand softly on Everett’s chest. “You know, I’m here, I could help you out.”

He takes a step away from me. “Are you sure she was meeting someone?”

My frustration amps up a notch. Why is everything about her?

“That’s what she said,” I huff. “Look, I’m sure you could reach her on her cell, and I’m sure she’ll tell you if she wants you to know.”

“Alright, I’ll let you get back to work. If she does come back, tell her I stopped by.”

“Sure will,” I say, and turn back to my screen as he walks out. He has a confident walk, and any woman would be lucky to have him. But again, it has to be her.

God, I hate her!

I scroll through the main list of accounts until I find the one, I’m looking for, I’d forgotten Reagan had given me access to the most important accounts the other week when she said I needed more responsibility.

I like that she trusted me.I need this. It was the only way I could drive my point home.

Hovering the cursor over the prompt I’ve been looking for, I take less than a second to think about what I’m doing and clicking on the drop down bar I do what I need to do; I change the order of the pills.



Ruby hands me a cup of coffee and sits down across from me. “Come on, what’s wrong. Spill it.”

I squeeze the cup between my hands and look at my best friend. “I think I’ve made a big mistake.”

“With what?”

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