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“No, I do need to talk to you. No one will say it but me.”

“Say what?”

“You make everyone miserable, Violet. You have Charlie so pissed off that he called off the whole bachelor thing. Lewis is panicking on his own wedding day because you can’t shut your mouth for once instead of arguing with some guy you don’t like.”

“I’m - Charlie and I are going to be fine, Elijah.”

“Yeah, right. You can’t handle men. One look at the other sex and you’re frothing at the mouth. You’re a crazy bitch, Violet”

“Okay, enough,” she snapped. “The bachelor party was your fucking fault. You didn’t listen to Lewis’s wishes.”

“No, Charlie’s been in a shit mood for weeks. You’ve been bringing him down.”

“Oh, fuck off. You know what brings Charlie down? Not being listened to, which you conveniently never do.”

“I don’t need to listen to some ugly bitch like you. How about you stay away from the candy and run a little bit? Don’t you want to be able to fit into your dress?”

Something in Violet snapped. When it was her and Charlie, there was a line. She never went after Charlie’s looks, and he never went after hers, either. Sure, maybe they’d comment on clothes, but never someone’s body.

And she refused to let Elijah do it and get away with it.

She was hurt but would feel it later. Violet had a feeling he had broken women with words like this, but she refused to let it be her too. Not this time.

“You talk mean game for someone with ears the size of his face.”

Elijah went beet red. He gaped for a moment before staying, “D-don’t mention my ears! Y-you’re the one that liked me!”

“Do you really want to do this, Elijah? You think I’m mean with Charlie? That’s nothing for what I’d have for you. Elijah, I’ve seen your penis, and let me tell you, it’s not impressive.”

Elijah’s face turned a new shade of red. “How dare you-“

“You started this," Violet snapped. “And I can roast you way quicker than you can finish, which is about two seconds. So, leave me the fuck alone. Are we clear?”

“You … are such a bitch,” Elijah said.

“Thank you. It’s an honor coming from a man so perfect as yourself," she said sarcastically.

“How are you ever going to find the love you so desperately want if you shame men like that?”

“I have a better question," Violet said. “Do you even know where the clit is? Try a map, or maybe getting your head out of your ass so you can learn how to go down on a woman.”

Elijah’s jaw dropped, and Violet kept going.

“Listen,” Violet said. “I have won fights and yelled at a man for six years. And Charlie is way better at fighting than you. Do not fuck with me.”

God. That felt good. Was it going to bite her in the ass later? For sure. Elijah was the type of guy to get revenge. He was going to either do something at the wedding, or pop back in later and go off.

That was what she didn’t like about him. He’d run to lick his wounds like a child and then bite back after the argument was over. He had done it with other members of the friend group. Micah hated him for that exact reason. At least Charlie was quick enough to do it in the moment.

But for now, Elijah was darting away from her with a red face. She leaned back and watched him go, ignoring her shaky hands. For once, she had won, and she was going to revel in it.

Then, Charlie walked in, obviously shocked to see Elijah running out of the venue, and her mood dropped.

Fuck. Charlie was Elijah’s friend, and even though he was mad about the bachelor party, she didn’t doubt he would defend Elijah if he found out what she had said.

But Violet didn’t have it in her to feel remorseful. She did, however, feel worried that Charlie was going to ask her what had happened, and when he started walking to her, she sighed.

This wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation.

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