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For one thing, there was a cat in his house.

An adorable cat.

And Charlie was maybe thinking this should be his cat.

All of this was Violet’s fault. He had gotten back from his run and then heard her scream. Then she jumped on his roof, and yelled at him for worrying about her. Then she told him he could easily kick her out.

As if he ever would.

But Violet didn’t believe that. For some reason, she thought he was an awful person. And he didn’t know why. He hadn’t done anything to her, at least until she went at him first.

He didn’t understand why she didn’t let him help her. He hadn’t once tried to make her feel bad for staying, and she had gone above and beyond to ensure she wasn’t making a mess. Why did she need to do more?

Charlie sighed as the cat came bounding down the stairs after him. It rubbed against his leg kindly, looking up at him with innocent blue eyes.

Yeah, there was no way he was going to be able to take this cat to the shelter. Not when he had a home he could offer.

Charlie called out of work, knowing he needed to get the cat settled before going back. If anything good was coming out of this, he was going to have a pet.

Lauren was going to kill him. She hated animals, but then again, she never came to his house anyways. He needed someone to fill the space. And one had conveniently been found on his roof.

But Charlie didn’t even want to think of Lauren, not since he hadn’t told her yet about Violet staying with him. Technically, Lauren was avoiding him. Even if he tried to tell her, she wouldn’t answer his calls. He couldn’t tell her if he wanted to. Besides, Lauren would lose it if she knew, and demand he kick Violet out.

That wasn’t an option.

So, just like the cat, he’d tell her eventually.

All she would do is run off and not talk to him for a few months. She’d probably find some new guy to sleep with for a bit and then return when she inevitably missed him.

This was how they had worked the last few years.

But he didn’t want to think about that. What Lauren did on their breaks never failed to ruin his mood. He had a cat to deal with.

So, he took a quick shower and got ready for a long day.

Charlie’s first stop was a vet to make sure the cat wasn’t microchipped. That was where he found out the cat was a girl and was only a few months old. He had no idea what to name her or what to get her, but the vet made him a list of everything he needed. From there, he dropped the cat off at his house and got everything he needed for her.

When he finally was done, and everything was set up, he sat on his couch and let the day run through his mind. Luckily, the cat had still liked him after checking out her litter box and food, so she jumped up to get attention.

“Well, now I’m in trouble,” he told the cat. “My girlfriend is going to kill me if Violet doesn’t.”

The cat didn’t answer, only pushed her tiny head into his hand. He hadn’t called Violet by her first name, at least to her face, in years. Now he was using in private.

Charlie knew he was losing his mind. When had letting her work on the house become an option? Charlie had spent years being too nervous about breaking something to even start. And how he had offered it up to Violet because it was the only thing he could do to make it even.

And suddenly, his fears were less important than making her realize he wasn’t going to fuck her over.

“You know,” Charlie said as he rubbed the cat’s ears. “I think I’m going to call you Roo, After Violet’s attempt to get you down.”

The cat purred.

“You like that name?” Charlie asked, smiling.

Yeah, he didn’t regret the choice to keep her.

Then, the door opened. Charlie frowned and saw it was already five in the evening.

Violet walked quietly in, holding a reusable bag filled to the brim. Planks of wood were in her other hand.

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