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Why wasn’t he here? He never missed an event like this - especially not when Lewis was involved. They were best friends.

But if Violet asked, she wouldn’t get an answer, and maybe it was for the best. Liv and Lewis knew Violet shouldn’t be around him at any cost.

It was obvious Lewis had some information, though. And judging by the way Liv was glancing at him, her best friend was curious.

“You know what? I think I want some of those little cupcakes I saw,” Violet said, ignoring the rotten feeling in her chest. She hated stepping away - especially when it was for him. “I’ll catch you guys later?”

Violet wished Liv would have stopped her, but when the other girl’s smile turned grateful, she knew she was doing the right thing.

Pushing away her bitterness, Violet walked away. She went to the cupcake table, sighing as she got a dessert she didn’t want.

This sucked. Why didn’t he cancel and get it over with? Why make things worse by holding Lewis and Liv hostage?

Violet’s thoughts were turning dark, and it didn’t help her other friends were busy chatting with the happy couple. Violet hated being alone with her thoughts. She always liked having someone to talk to.

But then, as if her body knew what was happening, Charlie walked in.

Violet didn’t know how she could tell when he arrived. Maybe it was Lewis turning around suddenly. Maybe it was the fact the venue got quiet for half a second, or maybe Violet knew Charlie Davis a little more than she wanted to.

Charlie was taller than her, with an angled face that would be attractive to some. He had brown hair that used to be lighter when he was younger, and bright blue eyes. He was smiling when he entered, carrying a huge bouquet of the prettiest flowers Violet had ever seen.

She rolled her eyes. Of course he was late because he was picking up flowers.

And to make matters worse, his devastatingly beautiful girlfriend, Lauren was right next to him. Her red hair glistened in the low light, and her eyes were confident, like she owned the place.

Violet put the cupcake back and went for another drink instead.

It was going to be a long night.



Charlie was pointedly ignoring Violet Moore’s presence. Of course he had seen her the moment he walked in. She was in the corner with the same sour expression on her face whenever she saw him. He wanted to go to her and start a fight he probably shouldn’t - but Lewis had begged him over text to avoid her, and that’s what he was going to do.

“You can’t help it if she bothers you.” Lauren had noticed where his eyes lingered. “Lewis has no right to ask you to hold back your emotions.”

“I know," Charlie replied. He was already irritated, despite the night being young. “But it’s my friends engagement party, so I’m going to try.”

Lauren sighed, the same way she did whenever Lewis asked for him to keep the peace. Sometimes Charlie wondered if Lauren even liked peace, or if she would rather watch him argue with the five-foot three schoolteacher who despised him.

Either way he looked at it, the sparring had earned him a reputation.

Everyone knew Violet and Charlie hated each other. And Charlie didn’t like to be that guy. He may not be perfect, but he never wanted to be known for petty fights. And it wasn’t like he struggled fighting with anyone but her.

She was always under his skin, ever since she woke up one day and decided their friendship was over. And try as he might, he could never let her get the last word.

Charlie planned to go talk to Lewis but snuck one more glance at Violet. She was wearing a light blue dress, which was tight and hugged her figure. She was a slight woman, but he had only seen her in her looser A-line dresses for school.

Tonight, she looked … different. She looked less like she belonged in the front of the class and more like she was heading to an evening dinner. Her shoulder length dark brown hair was curled, spiraling against her face. Her deep brown eyes looked anywhere but him.

“Come on," Lauren said, grabbing his arm tightly. “Let’s not think about her. We should go greet the guests of honor.”

Charlie swallowed dryly and nodded. He was nervous, like everyone else was. Neither he nor Violet knew how tonight was going to go. They could easily ruin the party if they spoke.

Liv and Lewis had been keeping them apart for years, after all.

“Hey, man," Charlie said to Lewis, pulling him into a hug. Lewis looked a little nervous, and yet he looked perfect next to Liv, his fiancé. Charlie truly hoped their marriage lasted. “I brought these for you two.”

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