Page 167 of To Make Matters Worse

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“Violet,” he said slowly. “I love you. I love you even though every love I’ve known fell apart. You mean more than any material possession I have. And I’m not letting you go because of something as fixable as a job. I’ll follow you anywhere if you let me.”

Violet’s heart raced. This was probably the most romantic thing she had ever seen, and she hadn’t even said anything yet.

At her silence, he added, “And if you want to go alone, that’s okay. But I wanted to offer this in case you wanted this too.”

She was already planning to stay, but this… this was beyond her wildest dreams.

He was choosing her. Him - the man who didn’t even believe in love, was offering to uproot his life for her.

She didn’t deserve this. She even know how to begin to express her feelings, or how to tell him she loved this house, and she wanted to live in it forever, with their stupid roof cat, and their weird green cabinets and scratched table.

She couldn’t find the words, so her body took over. She ran to him and kissed him.

And there, with her fingers in his hair, and her lips on his, her mind caught up to her. The feelings she’d ignored came to the surface and she was momentarily overwhelmed by how right this all felt.

When she pulled away, Violet was crying. Charlie looked so confused she almost laughed.

“Sorry," she said. “I’m … I’m so shocked. You’d move with me?”

“I would. We have a shot at this, and I want to take it.”

“I want to take it too.”

Charlie smiled. “So, are we doing this?”

“We’re doing part of this.” Violet laughed. “I’m not taking the job.”

Charlie looked at her with wide, confused eyes.

“Really? Why? I thought it was a chance for you to finally get better pay.”

“I don’t need better pay,” Violet said, shaking her head. “I took today off work to confront Lauren about why she tried to get me this job.”

“You saw Lauren? Today?”

“Yeah, and I realized she’s a carbon copy of my mother. She’s only done things for money and has nothing else. If I took this job, then I’m trading away what I love for a paycheck. I wouldn’t be living a life worth living.”

Charlie smiled softly at her. “That’s an … incredibly smart way to look at it.”

“I turned them down before I got home,” Violet said. “If that’s what you call smart, it didn’t feel that way… but it was the right thing to do.”

“It was… I was serious about moving though, but now I feel like I overreacted.”

“No,” Violet said, laughing. “That was the sweetest, most romantic thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I would have done it,” he said. “In a heartbeat.”

“But Lewis and your mom are here.”

“I could call them, but calls wouldn’t be enough for you.”

“You’d resent me.”

“I wouldn’t because you didn’t ask me. It came with no conditions.”

Violet felt her eyes grow wet. Shit. She wasn’t used to getting love unconditionally.

“I … I feel the same. About all of it. I …” She was at a loss for words. Again. She had never not been able to come up with words in her life. Especially not to Charlie Davis. “Just … Thank you,” she said, her voice thick with emotion.

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