Page 160 of To Make Matters Worse

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“You don’t get it!”

“Violet, how could you be so stupid?!” He yelled, slamming his hand on the table. A cup on the table came dangerously close to tipping over, reminding Violet of the engagement party, when a drink had gone flying.

Violet jumped back, chest heaving. She went to scream at him, to tell him to fuck off and to leave her to fuck up her own life, but then she remembered.

She wasn’t at the engagement party, and they weren’t enemies. They were supposed to be friends. Maybe something more.

Violet squeezed her eyes shut. Her heart was racing, and she felt like this was the beginning of their descent back into hating each other. She turned away from him, hating how afraid she was of the way things were. Was this the end? Was he going to tell her they weren’t friends anymore? Did he hate her again?

But there was no more yelling. Only silence. Violet turned, staring fearfully at Charlie, who looked as scared as she did.

“I…” he said, his voice shaky. “I’m sorry. I never should have insulted you like that.”

Violet let the apology calm her. She took a moment to breathe before she answered.

“I’m sorry too," Violet replied, her voice as weak as his. “For even considering this.”

“I don’t want to fight," Charlie said. “This feels… wrong now.”

“I know," she said. “It’s too close to how it used to be.”

Charlie let out a long sigh. “It’s not how it used to be. I’m … I’m worried you’re making a mistake.”

“I know," Violet said. “And I’m worried too. I’m not taking any of this lightly.”

“Do you want me to let it go?” Charlie asked. “I can.”

Violet thought about it, and then found herself shaking her head, which was surprising.

“It’s just…” Charlie started, and then paused, as if he was trying to find the right words. “I know you feel like you need to be independent, but would leaving be better than staying here? With us?”

“Of course not," Violet replied. “And I know that, but I also know I feel like a failure for not even being able to afford an apartment and I … I’m so tired. I’ve always struggled to get by and this a chance for me not to.”

“Violet, it’s tough for us all. I make a decent amount of money, but I could barely afford my place in the city. I got lucky I inherited this. Micah works her ass off and has nice things, but no time. And Liv and Lewis have a dual income. Hell, I need a dual income to even start working on my home. You’re not alone and it’s okay to need someone.”

“Yeah, but… that’s usually when they leave.”

The words hung in the air for a long time.

“I’m right here, Violet.”

“I know all of this. I do," Violet said, “And I hate that I have such a hard time with this.”

“I know it has to be miserable.”

“I still need to think," Violet said, sighing. “And that doesn’t mean I’m going to accept or anything, but I need to … I need to think.”

Charlie took a deep breath. “Okay, but… if you need anything…”

“I know," she told him. “I know.”

She went upstairs, where she could be alone. Her mind was a mess, and the traitorous part of it wanted to take the job if it was offered so she didn’t have to deal with all the feelings staying could offer.

But she also didn’t know if she wanted to move. She didn’t know if it was the right thing to do. Plus, was offered by Lauren, who had obviously pulled some strings to get Violet the interview.

Evening turned into night, and Violet knew she needed to sleep on it. She went to bed, only to toss and turn as she kept thinking about Lauren. Even Roo avoided her after 2 AM once it was obvious Violet would never settle down.

T next day, Violet didn’t even know if she could go to work. So, she opened her old laptop, and looked Lauren up.

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