Page 159 of To Make Matters Worse

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“Have you been in contact with her?”

“God, no," Violet said, feeling sick even thinking about it. “I would never. I only found today; I promise.”

“So that’s why she tracked down my LinkedIn today.”

“She what?” Violet said, shocked.

“She requested to connect on LinkedIn. I blocked her, obviously, but if she was the one who recommended you for this job, then that would explain why she’s reaching out to me now.”

“She’s trying to get me out of the picture…” The idea was disgusting, and it made her feel even worse that she had to consider it.

“This changes things. I guess this means you’re not taking it?”

Violet paused. She opened her mouth, hoping she could find the words to explain everything to him, but they escaped her.

“Seriously, Violet?” Charlie said, his voice hard. “You’re considering a job Lauren gets for you?”

It was too close to how he used to always talk to her.

“I don’t know," Violet said, defensiveness creeping up her spine. “All I know is I can’t afford anything with my job now and I’d like to be able to make a living for myself.”

“Come on, Violet. This isn’t the way to do it.”

“What other way is there? Am I supposed to depend on you forever?”

“But she’s manipulating you!”

“I know!” Violet said. “I know, and it sucks and if I didn’t hate how little I got paid then of course I wouldn’t consider it.”

“But is this a job you’d even like? Is this what you want?”

“I don’t know! I don’t know anything other than I’m scared about my living situation. I don’t own this house. We never made an official lease. You could wake up one day and fucking kick me out!”

“Do you really think I’d do that you?”

“I don’t know! But you said it yourself, feelings aren’t forever! They change. You like me now and then I’ll screw up and we’ll hate each other again!”

Charlie glared at her. “I said that about love not… not…” He trailed off. “I won’t change my mind.”

“And I’m supposed to trust you? After you’ve said feelings change?”

“Yes! If you don’t trust me, then why are even doing this?”

“It’s not about trust-“

“But it is! You aren’t seeing I’ve changed. You’ve changed. We, as a couple, have changed.”

“And we could change back!”

“How? We feel differently about each other - we don’t even fight!”

“We’re fighting now!” Violet said.

“Because you’re letting my ex manipulate you!”

“Because I’m considering something I have to!”

“You don’t have to do this!”

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