Page 152 of To Make Matters Worse

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Violet stilled in her eating.

Liv caught it.

“I … shouldn’t have said that," Liv said. “I know dating would be so weird with everything you guys went through. And it’s good you guys are friends. Ugh, I never want to be that person pushing my friends together. Forget I said that, okay?”

Violet felt her brain slowly come back online. Her first thought was about Charlie and how they had six years of fighting in their history. What the fuck were they doing sleeping together, even if it was mind altering, amazing sex? Were they ruining this by taking it further?

No. Her mind then answered. Because you both wanted this, and it’s one of the best things you’ve ever gone for.

But it could easily fall apart. He had once said feelings faded. When was that going to happen to them?

“Violet?” Liv said. “Did I ruin lunch with my dumb comment?”

“N-no,” Violet put her sandwich down. “I have something to tell you, though.”

Liv blinked and then carefully leaned back. “Okay. I might have a feeling where this is going.”

“Where do you think this is going?”

“I think you’re about to tell me you like Charlie.”

“Oh, well...”

Liv sighed. “I saw it at dinner, and it’s cute - I’m not gonna lie, but I think you may be confusing feelings for kindness, which makes sense because you guys fought for years.”

“Wait, hang on. You think I like him because he’s being nice to me?”

“Honestly, yeah.”

Oh, it was so beyond that.

“No, I know I have feelings for Charlie. That wasn’t the problem.”

“Oh no, please don’t tell me you asked him out.”

“I didn’t. I slept with him.”

Liv’s jaw dropped. “What?”


“No, no. You’re kidding. He has Lauren, remember? The redhead who acts like she’s better than us?”

“Charlie broke it off with Lauren. I was there when he did it.”

“When was this?”

“Your wedding night.”

“What happened? Why did he break it off?”

“That’s a long story… But basically, Lauren was behind why me and Charlie were fighting, and when he found out, it was the last straw.”

Liv threw her sandwich down, eating forgotten. “Wait, you guys finally talked about what happened? The school related thing you refuse to go into detail about?”

“Yeah…” Violet felt her face heat, but she ignored it. “And I know you’re dying to know, so I can tell you why. It was a paper.”

“The mysterious paper you told no one about?”

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