Page 145 of To Make Matters Worse

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He knew he couldn’t let her go now that he had seen everything. His feelings on love be damned. Lewis be damned. He was going to go for this as long as she let him. Even if it meant getting his heart hurt.

That voice that had been urging him on, telling him to go for it, was pleasantly silent. He didn’t regret it - he never could. The feeling he had now could sustain him forever.

He didn’t care about the future, or his fears. When he was with her, he was only focused on her.

The next morning was a bright, sunny day. The sunlight broke through his curtains early, like it always did. Charlie rested in between sleep and consciousness comfortably, and when his alarm went off, he didn’t want to move. He was pleasantly warm and held down by another weight on top of him.

Violet was still pillowed on his shoulder. The fire he had lit the night before lowly burned in the corner, and his room smelled of her scent. This was a perfect moment, something he wanted tattooed in his brain to come back to.

This was peace.

Then he realized Roo was in the room with them too. As he had lit the fire the night before, he left the door open, just in case Roo wanted Violet in the night.

And of course, the little cat had wanted exactly that. There wasn’t much room in the bed for her, but she was asleep near the fireplace, looking content.

Roo seemed to be just as enamored with Violet as he was.

Violet slowly woke up right after he did. She sat up, her hair a mess, rubbing her eyes adorably.

His heart swelled as he watched her. Charlie sat up, pulling her into his embrace, and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

“Mm, morning,” she mumbled. “It’s later than I usually wake up.”

“Sorry. I think it was my alarm that went off.”

“No, it’s fine. I still have time for some yoga.” She slowly moved to get out of bed, but then paused. “Would you like to join me?”

Normally Charlie hated deviating from his schedule, but yoga was still exercise, and it sounded more fun than going out into the cold for a run.

“I’ll try yoga. I think I have a mat somewhere.”

She smiled and said she would go get her mat and get set up. They wound up doing the practice in front of the fire, which was a nice break from the cool air he ran in. His body slowly woke up, and he found yoga strangely challenging.

It was also challenging because Roo continuously distracted both of them. She would ask for pets or try to climb on them in downward dog.

It was hilarious, and they both had to stop multiple times to laugh.

As their morning unfolded, he waited for the awkwardness to kick in. He waited for Violet to look away or seem hesitant about their new relationship.

But it never came.

Once yoga was done, he pulled her into another kiss, which she responded to enthusiastically. He wanted to take it further, but the rumbling of his stomach told him that skipping breakfast, even for sex, was a bad idea.

Charlie pulled away slowly, eyeing the blush on her cheeks.

“Um, you did good. With yoga, I mean.”

“Thanks. Not too bad for a runner, huh?”

“Yeah, your running helped you a lot. In more ways than one.”

Images of the night before played in his head, and heat coiled within him.

Charlie was about to say fuck it and skip breakfast, but then he heard Violet’s stomach growl too.

“We should eat breakfast," Violet said, rolling up the mat. “I’ve got to be at the school in an hour.”

“I need get heading out too. Do we have any leftover oatmeal bars?”

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