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“When I was your age, I had a kid already. You young people do nothing but move slow.”

“If I had a kid, I wouldn’t be able to help you with your IT issues. And then you’d have to put in a ticket.”

Paula’s lips twisted, and he knew he had won this round.

“Anyways,” Charlie said, straightening up. “It’s all fixed. It needed a reboot.”

“Oh wow. You sure are quick with these things. I guess that’s how you make the big bucks.”

Charlie could tell Paula wanted more company, but he had a slew of work waiting for him. He was already behind for the day because of Paula’s computer issue.

Charlie made a graceful exit before Paula could object. When he was gone, he couldn’t help that his mind flickered to Violet. If he could make it work with his weird director, he could make it work with her too. Even if it made him want to vomit a little.

Although, seeing her face when he played along almost made it worth it.

Charlie shouldn’t be petty. He was too old for it but being around Violet made him feel like a college kid again, like not a day had passed since their feud had started.

Long ago, they had been friends. Maybe they could have been more, but Violet ruined that when she turned on him after she asked for help. And ever since then, he didn’t understand how someone could take critique so personally.

It had never made sense to him. She could handle insults and mean comments. Half the time, she threw them right back. But when she asked for help with a required grad school essay for her application - that was the last straw. Apparently, his questioning of her thesis had ruined their friendship.

Violet Moore vexed him sometimes.

Charlie forced her out of his mind. He needed to get to work.

A few hours later, a website had been updated, a few software updates pushed out, and more coding done than he could remember.

It was about one in the afternoon, which meant he needed to eat. He had planned on walking to the grocery store a block away to grab food, but those plans went out the window when he ran into Lauren at the front desk.

She looked annoyed, but still beautiful. She was dressed up, as if they had a date Charlie had forgotten about.

“You didn’t answer my texts," she said as a greeting.

He hadn’t even noticed them. “I was working.”

She sighed. “You’re always working.”

“I have a lot to do.”

“Whatever. I want lunch, so let’s go get something.”

Charlie knew he couldn’t get out of it.

He’d wanted a quiet lunch so his brain could rest before he finished his work for the day, but since Lauren was here, he knew that wasn’t happening. Besides, they were still close to getting their relationship back. It was the least he could do.

They both went to a pizza place at the bottom of the building. It was busy, packed to the brim with people on their own lunches. Charlie cringed at how loud it was, but Lauren seemed to be right at home.

When they sat down, she immediately ordered salads for both of them. Charlie wanted something more filling, but he didn’t argue. The last thing he needed was to start a fight if he disagreed with her.

“So, how has your day been?” He asked, once they were alone.

“Oh, you know, the usual. I’ve been busy with this case from hell. Something about a dog being let loose and biting a kid.”

“Which side are you defending?”

“The dog of course," Lauren said. “The family is rich. I’m getting such a huge bonus once I win their case.”

“Right," Charlie said. He figured that was enough of talking about Lauren’s work.

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