Page 1 of Room Service

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If I takeone more step, I’m certain my feet will fall off. I lean against the wall and roll out my right ankle. I’m not a weakling, I swear, but nine hours of cleaning hotel rooms have caught up with me. I let out a deep sigh and will myself back onto my feet. Only one more room to go before I’m home with a good book and an even better glass of wine.

I lean into the cleaning cart, guiding it toward the end of the hall. A Justin Bieber song blares in my earbuds, and I muster the energy for my final turndown of the day. My job is something I take very seriously. From high school dropout to housekeeping manager at the Rose Mountain Inn, I’ve come a damn long way. I’d rather stay here all night making sure that everything is perfect than endure a hint of a complaint.

I’m about to round the corner when someone darts in front of me. My feet skitter against the carpet, heart in my throat. I pull my earbud out and smile in relief. “You about gave me a heart attack.”

“Sorry.” Brigid, the owner of the Rose Mountain Inn, says. “I’m moving too fast for my own good.” She brushes a long strand of strawberry blonde hair away from her eyes. “Abe made dinner.” She rolls her eyes. “A gourmet chef, he is not, but dammit if he isn’t cute in an apron.” Her smile fades almost instantly. “Why are you still here? You should’ve been home an hour ago.”

“Marta had a test to study for. I told her I’d finish her shift.” I shrug, Beiber’s muffled voice hanging in the air.

Brigid squeezes my arm and rushes past me. “I don’t know if they need a turndown.”

I glance at the door. “There’s no 'Do Not Disturb’ sign. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

“You’re too good for us, Alayna. See you tomorrow!”

I wave goodbye to my boss as her strawberry blonde hair cascades behind her. If I had a man like Abe, I’d be eager to get home as quickly as possible, too. But with this job and studying for my hospitality degree in my spare time, how the hell would I even meet him?

I shake the thought from my head and park my cart in front of room seven, then pause my music. I rap my knuckles against the heavy, wooden door. “Housekeeping.” I lean in closer, listening for signs of movement. When I receive no response, I put my earbud back in and open the door with my electronic card. It beeps, and I head inside.

To my shock and delight, the room is in pretty good shape. Easy breezy, really. I grab my supplies and begin cleaning as the song shifts to my favorite Harry Styles song. A second wind kicks in, and I sway my hips as I toss out a water bottle and begin remaking the bed. Outside, I grab a few more towels, hoping the bathroom is in just as good of shape.

I reach for the bathroom door and it opens before my fingers grasp the handle. A gasp escapes my mouth. Standing before me is a very buff, very naked man.

“Oh my God!” I scream, shaking my head. My earbud falls to the carpet. I can’t take my eyes off his massive length. The way his lower abs form an honest-to-God v-shape accentuating his hip bones.

“Shit.” He cups his junk in his hands, but it barely fits. His dark, wet hair drips onto his sculpted shoulders. Jesus, the size of him. He could win a bodybuilding competition with his massive barrel chest and perfectly toned arms.

He turns his back, moving toward the bathroom. Even his ass is perfect, cute, and a little paler than the rest of his tanned body.Oh my God, I’m still starting.

“I’m…so…naked.” Doh! My voice lodges in my throat. I swallow, and I try speaking again. “Sorry. I…the sign. There was no sign!”

I turn in a circle, understanding that now is the time to leave the room, but suddenly unable to figure out how. Then, as if my body’s on autopilot, I spot the open door and move toward it. Mr. Hot and Naked reappears, this time with a towel around his waist.


“No.” I shake my head and march toward the hall. “I’ll come back.”

“Wait,” he says again. “You dropped this.” I turn to face him, taking in every inch of his smooth, sexy shoulders as he leans down and picks up my earbud from the carpet. At this moment, I wish I had enough money to tell him to keep it. But I don’t, and his words knock some sense into me.

He rises to his full height as I make my way to him. The closer I get, the bigger he seems. And God Almighty, he smells amazing. Clean, fresh,sexyass man. His bright blue eyes search my own as he extends his hand, my earbud sitting daintily in his massive palm.

“Thanks,” I say, dying to get out of there. He opens his mouth to retort, but I don’t stick around. Instead, I bolt out the door, closing it behind me, and press my back up against the hallway wall. My breath comes in ragged spurts as I lunge for my cart on shaky legs. Heat prickles against my cheeks as I rush to get the hell down the hall and out of sight. My heart gurgles in my chest until I’m out of sight, and at that point, my hand flies to my mouth.

Once the giggles arrive, they won’t stop. Tears form in my eyes, and I have to stop because I can’t see. My shoulders shake so hard, it’s like they’ll come loose. “That was so messed up.” I inhale deeply, pulling myself together.

Then it hits me. If that man complains, I’m in deep shit. If I lose this job, I have nothing to fall back on. Not yet.

I pull my clipboard from the cart and mark the room as having a Do Not Disturb sign, silently cursing Marta. Technically, that should’ve been her. Though I have to admit, that was the hottest naked man I’ve ever seen in my entire life.



Isit strange to dream about a woman whose name you don’t even know? If it is, call me the weirdest man alive. I couldn’t get the gorgeous brunette housekeeper with the soft, perfect curves out of my head for one second. Every inch of her seeped into my subconscious, held me by the throat, and wouldn’t let go.

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