Page 2 of Room Service

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I haven’t woken up to a wet dream since I was in high school, but this morning, before I even knew what was happening, I was coming so hard before my eyes were even fully open…and I loved every second of it. Until my conscience kicked in. The whole reason I’m here at the Rose Mountain Inn is to help with staff systems. While I’m not technically this gorgeous beauty’s boss, she’s going to be working under me for the next few weeks.

Under me. That’s exactly where I’d like her to be.

Shit, the thought of it gets me hard all over again, and I have a meeting with Brigid and her husband in five minutes. I do a few deep breathing techniques and think about random, mundane things until I’m back under control. I haven’t been this worked up about a woman since…well, ever.

I grab my stuff and head down to the main office. The Inn itself is quaint and incredibly charming, not to mention busy. Families and business folks alike fill the halls on this early Wednesday morning, rushing to get wherever it is they are going. It’s clear this place will need to run like a well-oiled machine.

As I turn into the office, Brigid stands from her desk with a huge smile painted across her face. “Xavier!” She rushes over and gives me a big hug. “Thank you so much for doing this.”

Abe stands and takes my hand in his. “Yeah, this really means a lot.”

“Aw, hell. I owe you.” I nudge Brigid’s shoulder. “She basically kept my ass in line during grad school.”

“We were study buddies.” She wraps her arm around Abe’s waist, and he pulls her tight. “It was mutual.” A pang of longing courses through me. Not for my old college pal, no. It was always platonic. But I wish I had someone to hold tight. Like that gorgeous housekeeper.

Lord, will you stop?

“Have some coffee and donuts.” Brigid motions to the table filled with good-looking pastries.

“Hell, yes, I will.”As I help myself, I hear footsteps behind me.

“Sorry, I’m late.” The soft voice fills the room. My heart stops. I know who it is before I even turn around.

“You’re actually right on time. Alayna Rialto, meet Xavier Dane.” I turn in time to witness her dark brown eyes widen. “He’s the Gordon Ramsay of the hotel business.”

“Without all the mean-spiritedness.” I extend my hand, feeling my heart rate kick up to its max. “Nice to see you.” She puts her soft hand in mine. When Brigid and Abe move to their chairs, I lean in close enough so that only she hears me. “With my clothes on this time, right?” Her face turns three different shades of red.

I can’t keep my eyes off Alayna the entire meeting, catching her sneak glances back at me every once in a while. Each time she does, my entire body clenches, wondering what it would be like to kiss her full, cherry lips.

When the meeting concludes, Brigid claps her hands together. “So, Alayna, as Housekeeping Manager, you know the job and the crew better than any of us. How about you show Xavier the ins and outs of your daily routine.”

Alayna’s mouth bobs open and closed a few times before she stashes a stray strand of jet black hair behind her ear and smiles. “Of course.” Her dark eyes fall on me, and it’s like I can see my future flash before me. “It would be my pleasure.” I try to keep my gaze off her gorgeous ass when she stands.

I follow her out into the hallway. As soon as we’re out of earshot, she turns to me, stopping us in our tracks. “I am so sorry about yesterday. I shouldn’t have had my earbuds in.”

I shrug, tucking my hands in my pocket. “I didn’t have the sign on the door, and I should’ve.” I can’t help but let out a little chuckle. “Gotta say, you scared the living shit out of me.”

“Imagine how I felt. I walk into a room I think is empty, and a gorgeous naked man appears out of nowhere.” Her hand flies to her mouth. “I mean…I didn’t mean that.” She scrunches her nose, then slaps her hands against her thighs. “Well, this is going well. First I see a naked man while cleaning, then I learn he’s hired by my boss.” She rolls her eyes, and I sense she’s feeling defeated. “Come on, I’ll show you our main room.”

“Hey.” I gently grab her wrist to stop her, then immediately release it. Her eyes soften as she turns back around to face me. “I take full blame for what happened yesterday.”

“I can’t lose this job.” She whispers.

“You won’t, Alayna. I promise.” I realize how close I’m standing to her, hoping I’m not coming off as too much. It’s something I’ve been accused of in the past. When I fall, I fall hard and I make no apologies for it. As much as I’d like to deny it, I feel it happening for the first time in a very long time.

Her full lips form a half smile, and I wonder if they taste as good as they look. Her smooth skin, sprinkled with freckles across the apples of her cheeks looks smooth as silk.

“It’s just down the hall,” she says, and I nod.

We don’t say another word until we get to the room where the carts are kept. As she walks me through the first part of what her shift entails, my mind drifts. All I can think about is what it would be like to hold her, touch her, and kiss every inch of her body. Most importantly, how it will feel when I can claim her and make her mine.



If I could only getXavier’s wet, naked body out of my brain. Every time I look at him, I see what’s hidden underneath those nice clothes. His button down hides a massive, muscular chest, and those pants…well, they’re hiding something else that’s massive.

Stop it, Alayna!I squeeze my eyes shut trying to release the image.

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