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“Why wasn’t he sleeping?” I demanded of Arianrhod, my face flaming. Elvey wasn’t supposed to hear my outburst. “You put everyone else to sleep.”

“What do you think, Daisy? He’s a demigod. He can resist my power. That’s one of the reasons I want him, plus he’s sexy and fun and wild.” The corner of the goddess’s sensual lips tilted up. “He made a deal with me when he summoned me for you. He’ll be my companion when the time comes, when I require. The demigod will sacrifice everything for you, including his personal happiness.”

I glared at Elvey in rage as he trod toward me. He no longer looked at Arianrhod. He was immune to her beauty and power.

“Why did you do that?” I shouted at him, tears streaming down my face. “Why did you have to transfer yourself from one slavery to another? Haven’t you had enough? You said you had faith in me. Why don’t you trust me that one day I’ll shatter your chains as you shattered mine? Why couldn’t you just give me more time? I’d never abandon you!”

I brushed furiously at the tears streaking my cheeks.

The next second, I was in his solid arms. “Shush, Daisy dearest. Don’t you cry for me. I’m not worth it. It’s the only way. You need the help. You need Arianrhod’s alliance.”

“I need you!”

“You have me.”

“No, I don’t. You sold yourself. And don’t call me darling or dearest after all this!”

“You should not touch what’s mine, daughter,” Arianrhod said with a deep frown.

“Undo it,” I told the goddess. “Release him.”

Arianrhod tilted her beautiful head. “I can’t and won’t.”

“I’ll pay any price.”

“Will you pay the price of giving up your other mates?” She circled to the old topic.

“I’ve said I won’t choose between them.”

“Then you don’t have anything I want,” said the cruel goddess. “However, I’ll still lend Elvey to aid you until the day I come to collect him. Elvey got into his first slavery for you. If he hadn’t, you wouldn’t be here alive. Not even your mother’s and Aine’s combined powers could have saved you the day when you were born. He never told you the whole truth, did he? He wouldn’t have been so messed up if he hadn’t been so desperate to ensure your safety. That’s an epic, tragic story that should be told another time, if he ever wishes to tell you.”

My heart bled, and my every breath turned to searing pain. What had he done to himself?

I had caused all his misery.

I should not be the cause of my mate’s doom. I should be the reason for his happiness.

“Let’s get this ritual over with, daughter,” the goddess said, ignoring my resentment and broken heart. “And you can be on your way to fulfill your destiny.”

“Please free him, Goddess Arianrhod,” I pleaded.

She shook her head. “Your princes are here,” she said softly, “as are everyone else. They are to witness the sacred rite. Are you ready, Daisy Danaenyth?”

The men widened their eyes at the sight of the goddess. Then they dropped to their knees as one as they felt her immense power. My grandfather set his gaze on Arianrhod, looking more bitter at her than proud of me, before he knelt on the ice.

Snow started falling again.

“It’s time to renew and strengthen the blood bond between the realm and the last bloodline of the Danaenyth royal house,” the goddess announced, her beautiful, clear voice puncturing the air. “Now, the land requires a sacrifice.”

My back instantly stiffened. Nothing good would come out of anything that required sacrifice. She’d already taken Elvey. I’d have to figure out a way to get him back. I’d break every chain that bound him.

“Relax, daughter,” Arianrhod said with a sardonic smile. “I’m not as bad and sadistic as you think, but even a goddess has a need.” She winked at Elvey with affection before turning back to a sizzling me. “The sacrifice requires your blood.”

“We’ll bleed for our mate,” Rai said, raising his head and standing up from the ice ground.

Iokul and Blaze echoed the same.

“Shush,” Arianrhod said, waving a hand in annoyance. “It’s not your blood the realm wants. Bind your tongue now, boys.”

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