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Blaze opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out. I believed that the goddess had bound my mates’ tongues.

Arianrhod produced a dagger with sacred runes on its silver blade and handed it to me.

With one sweep, I sliced the blade across my palm and tried not to wince at the searing pain.

My blood dripped to the land in a stream. It tainted the snow bright red and sank into the soil.

“Daisy Danaenyth,” the goddess asked, her voice vibrating with a divine power, “will you guard and protect the land to your best ability?”

“Yes,” I said, my blood still flowing freely.

“Will you put the realm’s need above your own?”

“Yes, I will.”

She raised her voice and there was charged anger in it. “Will you purge the enemies who have harmed the realm?”

“Without hesitation.” I pulled my lips back with a snarl.

“Then repeat after me: I pledge you to accept my blood. Accept me as your Keeper, your watcher, and your forever protector. From this day forward, you’re mine and I’m yours. Heed my call.”

I repeated the vow solemnly and brightly.

The bleeding in my palm stopped.

“The realm has accepted your oath,” the goddess said with a smile.

I waited, but nothing happened. I stared at Arianrhod with questioning eyes. “How do I know the land has admitted me? I don’t feel—”

A ripple moved across the ground beneath me; a warm wave pushed through the wind.

Then, a red, thorny rose sprouted out from where my blood had spilled in the snow.

The dragons let out an awed cry and praised the goddess.

No one thanked me, and I was the one who had spilled blood to make it happen.

Arianrhod arched her thin eyebrow at me. “Do you want more proof, daughter of little faith?”

“Maybe a little more?” I dared ask. “I need to feel a real connection to the land, not see some parlor tricks. I need to be sure the land will aide me in my time of need, as I’ll protect the realm with my life when it calls me.”

“Ask the land,”Arianrhod said with a shrug.

And I asked.

A violent wind with spectrums of bright colors sprang from the ground and shot into me. I threw my head back and spread my arms as its unbelievably great magic traveled in me, making me drunk with the power of the whole planet.

A vine of fire and light crawled up my arms, expanding all over me. They whispered to me.The realm became alive with its needs, wants, and secrets.

A change of seasons swirled, aligning with the movements of the stars, moons, and the sun. They wove together in order and chaos at once. A new magic from ancient eternity threaded through me and bonded to me. It imprinted in my cells, telling me that I was wanted, needed, and trusted.

I bowed in humility and pride and awe. I vowed to never breach its trust.

I’d become the realm. It was mine.

My gaze swept over my mates, who gazed back at me with love, pride, and adoration. Elvey smiled. The dragon guards were just wide-eyed and stunned, still kneeling in the snow.

My grandfather had excused himself quietly and made his exit some time ago.

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