Page 8 of Typhon

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I knew what I had planned was crazy.

I knew it.

I’d never spoken to Rylee Madden before Monday, and there was no way she was going to jump onboard with this without good reason. Somehow, I didn’t think she’d buy into the whole ‘love at first sight’ possibility, especially since it wasn’t. I’ve seen Rylee around campus and in town before. Hales University was big, but not that big. So, I’ve seen her around, and this was definitely not a ‘love at first sight’ situation, which was just really powerful lust in disguise.

This was something different.

Something inherently bigger and moreprevailing.

I’ve been balls-deep in a few females before, and I hadn’t felt an ounce with them of what had coursed through my blood from just having my arm wrapped around Rylee’s body. I’ve had girls swallow me whole before, but I’d forgotten about them the second my pants were zipped back up. Yet, I’ve been thinking of Rylee almost non-stop since Monday.

That meant something.

That crashchanged everything, and now Friday couldn’t come fast enough.

“What’s got that scowl on your face?” I turned to see Lennox walking out of his room.

LennoxWilde was my best and probably only real friend. We’d met our freshman year at a party that we’d both been at, and he’d seen a girl slip some shit into the drink she’d made for me. Now, while I never would have drunk it-because I did know better-when she had tried to hand it to me, Lennox had stepped up and had exposed her little plan. There’d been drama, of course, but I’ll never forget how his honest character had impacted me that night. Living a life where I’ve been constantly surrounded by users, manipulators, and liars, Lennox had been something good in the midst of all that evil.

So, wehad become friends over our freshman year, and that had resulted in us becoming best friends and sharing an off-campus condo for our sophomore, junior, and senior year at HU.

Itrusted the guy with my life, just not my secrets. However, only because they weren’t only my secrets to tell. Plus, if anyone ever came after Lennox because he accidentally crossed the line, I’d have to kill them. So, in the best interest of everyone involved, Lennox knew nothing about Cronus.

I’d been sitting on the couch, my laptop opened for Managerial Economics, when I turned to look at him. “Do you know Rylee Madden?”

His feet falteredon his way to the kitchen. His brows furrowed a bit with a confused expression. “Uh, actually, I do,” he replied, then shrugged. “I mean, we shared a class back during our sophomore year, and we’ve spoken before, but…well, I wouldn’t say we werefriends.More like acquaintances, maybe.”

A part of me didn’t wantto ask the question, but I knew I needed to. While I was straight, I was still able to appreciate if a guy was good-looking or notice if he had charisma. Like August Remington, for instance. He was a complete dick, but I knew girls fell for that dark blonde hair and brown eyes combination of his. I knew he wasn’t an unattractive guy, even if I did get bad vibes off the guy.

However, while Lennoxwas blonde, too, he leaned more towards the All-American look. His blonde hair was light, and it was paired with the traditional blue eyes. While he wasn’t as tall as I was, he still hit six-foot, and I knew girls loved a tall guy. Plus, he was smart, kind, and just good. Any girl would be lucky to have his attentions.

So,since that was the case…

“Did you guys everhook up?” The words tasted like ash on my tongue, but I needed to ask.

Lennox ended his journey towards the kitchen and walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch opposite my side. He still looked confused, and I didn’t blame him. “No,” he answered warily. “Like I said, we’re casual acquaintances.”

“What do you think of her?” I asked, knowing he was going to demand answers soon.

Lennox seemed to relax a bit. “She seems like good people,” he said. “I’ve never heardanything bad about her. And she’s quite smart if I remember correctly.” His eyes narrowed a bit. “Why?”

I stuck with the truth…well, as truthful as I could be under the circumstances. “She crashed into me the other day as she was hurrying to get somewhere,” I told him. “Literally ran into me.”

Lennox smirked. “I’d accuse you of falling under the spell of those deep sapphire eyes of hers, but we both know you don’t become smitten like that over pretty faces.”

“I didn’tusedto,” I corrected, and it was comical to watch his eyes round in surprise.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, Lennox blurted, “Are you serious?” I cocked my head at him, silent. “Holy shit. You’re serious.”

“There’sjust…something about her,” I told him honestly. “Something that caught my attention.”

Lennox snorted.“There’s plenty of tits and ass out there to catch a guy’s atten-”

I shook my head. “It’s not like that,” I said, interrupting him. “I’m not asking about her because I need to get my dick wet, Len.”

His spine collapsed against the back of the couch. His eyes blinked at me, and he looked genuinely perplexed. “Are you telling me that you like her? Like…like,likeher?”

Ishrugged a shoulder. “I’m pursuing this-her,”I hedged.

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