Page 9 of Typhon

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Lennox let out a huff. “I think I might need a drink forthis.”

“It’s not even noon,” I pointed out.

“It’s not every day that my best friend tells me he’s fallen in love at first sight,” he tossed back.

I grinned. “It’snot love at first sight,” I replied. “I’ve seen her around before.”

His brows shot up questioning. “Love at first touch? First conversation? First trampling?”

“Maybe it’snot love at first anything,” I said, testing how well he knew me.

This time, his snort could probably be heard out on the street. A bit theatrical, but probably warranted, considering. “Girls have been doing everything in the book to get you interested or keep you interested in them for longer than one night, Stone,” he said drolly. “And I’veneverseen you show any girl any kind of interest like this before. If it’s not love, then I don’t know what it is.” He pretty much confirmed what I’d already been thinking.

I sat upstraighter. “No matter what it is, I’m doing this,” I told him. “I was just really wondering if there was anything I should know about the girl.”

“She’s cool people, and hot as hell,” he replied. “That about sums it up.”

I gave him a tersenod. “No boyfriend I should know about?” Chicago had pulled up that information, but his reports hadn’t had anything in them on whethershewas interested in someone or not. Just because she didn’t have a boyfriend on record didn’t mean she wasn’t in the middle of something new with someone else.

“Not that I’ve heard or seen,” he answered. “Last I heard, August Remington was sniffing after her, but she turned him down from what I understand.”

My back snapped, and my blood warmed a bit. “August Remington,” I repeated.

“Yeah,” he replied. “Uh, back in May at one of the last parties of the year, I do believe.”

Right around the time he’d chosen Laney Spinner as his pick.

It was too muchof a coincidence that Rylee and Laney were close friends and roommates for my liking. Had August chosen Laney because of Rylee? Was this a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone situation? As I thought about it, I realized I was going to have to keep a closer eye on August Remington.

I shook off my thoughts and kept it simple. “Well, as long as she doesn’t have a boyfriend, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

Lennox’s eyes widened. “Meaning that if shehada boyfriend, there’d be problems?”

I wasn’t going to lie. “Pretty much.”

His head reared back. “Christ, Stone,” he muttered. “What do you have going on with this girl?”

“Nothing yet,” Ireplied honestly. I would soon, though.

Lennox’s brows were drawn, and he looked concerned, as he well should be. Unlike the other girls, she was going to be intended as a Hera, not a Circe. There was no doubt in my mind what the other girls were going to pledge, but with Rylee, I couldn’t be so sure.

Not when her pledge was going to be more significant than the others.

Not when her pledge would be as my future wife.

Notwhen her pledge would make me the most powerful in my class.

Chapter 6


“Mom,how many times do I have to tell you not to worry?” I asked for the millionth time since senior year began. Like I said, my college degree meant the world to my parents. They believed having my degree was the strongest foundation I could have for a good life.

“I know, Rylee,” she mumbled. “It’s just…you’ve worked so hard to get his far, and…well, I’m just getting nervous, is all.” My chest warmed at her concern.

Once Bishop had made it clear that he was going into the military, my parents had sighed with relief. He’d found his path, and they weren’t going to have to worry about him, outside the obvious when you had a child in the military. I was still floundering with career choices, even though my major was solid. Succeeding was important to my parents, and I didn’t want them to ever think that I didn’t appreciate all they’ve done for me.

“Mom, I’ve got this,” I reassured her. “I promise.”

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