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Chapter 22


Winterphotoshoots,I’vedecided, are the worst. Sweat drips down my face. My hair feels soaked. My skin feels like it’s about to melt off my body while I’m standing here, under the trees, in the mountains wearing a huge coat with matching snow pants. It’s an unusually hot late April day. Usually Colorado isn’t so hot and humid this soon, but since it’s me and the world likes to work against me, the weather has decided to be exceptionally sunny. Even standing in the shade isn’t helping. There’s no breeze to help me. The assistants have been discussing whether to squirt water in my face to help calm my flushed cheeks, or if it’s better to give me plenty of water breaks so I don’t look so…wet.

I would have loved being spritzed in the face, but Susan, being Susan, decided that it would be better to take several water breaks, which of course makes our work day longer, meaning more time spent in this dreadful heat.

At least Rachel and Seth are here to watch me die of heat stroke. My gaze constantly goes to them, standing behind Susan. Seth looks both worried and bored, while Rachel seems excited to watch all behind-the-scenes stuff when it comes to fashion. Good to know at least someone is having fun.

Last night did not go as well as I intended it to. After talking with Seth, Rachel’s tune pleasantly changed. She no longer argued about leaving Maria behind and she was packed well within my fifteen-minute warning. Seth took about twenty minutes—five minutes longer than the deadline. I would have been frustrated, but since he spent most of his time calming down Rachel, I decided to give him some leeway.

Lucas, on the other hand, was fucking late by at least two hours. I have no clue why. He gave me an excuse, yet all I saw was red and all I heard was blah blah blah. Seth and Rachel didn’t mind since it gave them some more time to be with Maria, but I had a deadline to stick to. I had plans. Romantic plans. And part of me still wonders if Lucas did this on purpose to fuck our weekend up because he was jealous he couldn’t come with us.

So sorry I wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend and girlfriend. I really want to roll my eyes, but I know Susan will yell at me for not focusing. That’s one skill I have I don’t think many do—I can smolder while having very dark thoughts about ruining Lucas’s life… Or dark thoughts about all the things I want to do with Rachel and Seth when I have them alone.

Since Lucas was so late, and Rachel needed to sing her goodbye song to Maria—as well as go through a checklist of emergency numbers and what-to-do scenarios, which she had already gone through before with Hunter—we didn’t arrive to the cabin until late at night. Originally, I had planned to have some chocolate-covered strawberries, champagne, and a very long night filled with fucking.

Preferably all-night fucking.

Call me a horn dog, but it has been quite a bit since Little Alex has been able to get any. From Rachel or Seth. Seth is so busy with work and his training program these days, he hardly has time for more than a kiss here and there. And sometimes, just that is enough to get me started. Rachel is also busy with school, work, and Maria.

The both of them are driving me crazy. They’re both so hot, and me being me, otherwise known as sensitive, I often have to release my pent-up tension either in the bathroom or in a sock in my bedroom. I’ve found myself often waking up in the middle of the night with a hard on. Sometimes I even tried knocking on Seth or Rachel’s door, only to talk myself out of bothering them. I was so looking forward to pounding them into oblivion.

Unfortunately, when we arrived at the cabin, Seth fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow and Rachel decided to do some nesting—meaning she spent the evening unpacking, then put on a face mask and read a book. Which left me both horny and very unsatisfied.

I’m probably being a big baby. I have it easy compared to others—nice parents, wealthy family, a loving support system, a hot boyfriend and girlfriend, and a fun career. Yet it’s hard for me to feel happy when all I want is a little fucking here and there. I’ll take anything. Even a hand job. Rachel can even read her book while she gives it to me. I don’t care.

Thinking of hand jobs has me looking at Seth and Rachel again. Seth is looking at his nails. He’s definitely bored. His face is flushed. His hair is sticking to his neck. The sweat on his skin is practically glistening, and I lick my lips, trying to push down temptation yet still wondering how he would taste if I was to kiss his neck. I watch Seth rub the back of his neck, my gaze narrowing on those long fingers of his, thinking of all the places they could be touching on my body.

My cock hardens and I quickly shift my gaze to Rachel, who only makes matters worse in my pants. She’s pulling at her blouse. I don’t think she’s wearing a bra. I can see the outline of her nipples. My cock twitches and I stifle a groan. My head tilts as I watch her take a swig from her water bottle. Droplets drip down the corners of her mouth to her neck. A ragged breath breaks through my lips. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. If we don’t fuck tonight, I’m going to have to jack myself.

Ugh. That sounds so pitiful.

“Wow!” the photographer shouts, making me flinch.

Shit. Can they see how horny I am? Are they going to file some sort of harassment claim with HR? I swear I didn’t mean to act unprofessional. But the photographer is looking at the camera and nodding, looking pleased.

“Amazing work, Alex. There’s so much emotion in your eyes.”

I bite back a bitter laugh. I suppose lust is an emotion.

“All right, time for a break,” Susan calls. With a snap of her fingers, two of her assistants jump to work. One runs over to me with several bottles of water and a handheld fan while the other grabs a whole tray of combs, brushes, and makeup.

“You’re amazing,” I hear Rachel say as she steps toward me, careful not to get in the way of the assistants.

“Very cool,” Seth says while following after her. “But I suppose you know that.”

I shrug, trying to seem cool, but I feel like I come off as a weirdo as I say, “I try.”

“I don’t think I could be a model,” Rachel says. “I don’t have any control over my face. I think all I can do is smile and frown.”

“Oh, please,” Susan says while stalking toward us. “Have you ever tried?”

Rachel shakes her head. “I like photographing, not being photographed.”

“You should see her work,” Seth says, his tone filled with excitement. “She’s really quite good. She’s taught me a bit in the past, but my stuff isn’t as nearly as good as hers.”

Susan rubs her chin, something sinister flashing in her gaze as she regards my girlfriend. Oh no. That is never good. She’s probably going to have Rachel take pictures of me and then critique them to the point where Rachel will never take pictures ever again.

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