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“You know,” Susan starts while I try to think of anything to change the subject. However, all I can think about are Rachel’s breasts and how much I want to bury my face into them, grab them, squeeze them, thrust my dick between them.

Shit. What is wrong with me?

“I think you have the perfect look for our new launch.”

My eyes widen, completely taken aback. “Huh?” I say, wondering if I heard correctly.

Susan ignores me. She’s nodding to herself while she’s circling Rachel. “Yes. You’re definitely the right size.”

Rachel frowns. “Right size for what?”

Susan’s smile widens and my stomach churns, wondering what terrible thing she has in store for my girlfriend. “We’re launching activewear for new mothers and I think you would be the perfect candidate to model them.”

Honestly, I thought it would be worse. This doesn’t sound too bad. Rachel has been a bit down on her postpartum body—and yeah, it’s changed, but she’s still beautiful. We all change as we age, but I think it’s different for women. They always have to be so…perfect.

Rachel smiles, but she’s shaking her head. “Oh. No. I can’t. I’m not a model.”

Susan scoffs. “You don’t have to be a model. The segment is on real women, and you’re a real woman. Honestly, you would be helping me out a lot. And you’d be modeling with your boyfriend, Alex, so it wouldn’t be too hard for you.”

Rachel looks at me, giving me deer-caught-in-headlights vibes, before turning back to Susan. “Well, I guess I could—”

“Perfect!” Susan shouts while clapping her hands. “Then it’s decided.” She pauses next to Seth, looking him up and down before smiling and saying, “You too.”

Seth frowns. “I really don’t want to—”

“Alex, do you think you can do about three more hours of this?” Susan calls to me, her gaze still on Seth.

Seth grimaces while I barely contain my whimpers. There’s no way I can do thirty more minutes of this. The heat is brutal. I’m pounding down waters in an attempt to keep my hands from ripping the coat from my body. Seth glances at me and I think he can see the desperation in my gaze, because he finally sighs and says, “Fine.”

Fifteen minutes later, the assistants have left me, I’ve downed at least two water bottles, and Rachel and Seth are on either side of me, dressed in bulky winter coats and snow pants.

“Tell me again why we are doing this in the middle of spring?” Seth grits out.

His face is about as flushed as mine and there’s sweat sliding down the tip of his nose. “Because winter shoots are during the spring and summer, and summer shoots are during the autumn and winter. It’s how the companies can ensure they can get their magazines ready in time.”

Seth doesn’t seem to buy it. He looks around at the flowers and grass at his feet. “What the hell are they going to do about all this?”

“We have editors for that,” Susan calls from behind the photographer.

Seth frowns and shifts next to me. “I still don’t understand why we can’t do this inside a studio.”

“Because I enjoy watching every one of you suffer,” Susan says with a cheerful grin. Honestly, I believe her. I think she truly enjoys watching me suffer, especially after that whole fiasco in Chicago.

“Rachel, honey, you can get closer to Alex,” Susan calls sweetly. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Susan be nice to anyone. It makes my heart beat faster, wondering what ulterior motive she has behind all of this. “Try to look like you want to rip that coat off him.”

Rachel blushes, but it doesn’t stop her from shifting her body closer to mine. Her gaze lifts, holding mine. My breath hitches as I gaze down at her.

“Yes, that’s good,” says the photographer.

I swallow the lump in my throat. My cock stiffens. I’m sure Rachel can tell how much I want her. Even in that giant pink coat of hers. Seth fidgets at my side, his leg sliding against mine, and it takes everything I have not to grab the both of them. I’m not an animal. I can be professional. I can hold on until I get to a bathroom, or behind a tree.

The photoshoot continues on longer than I would like. The one thing that gets me through it is knowing that Rachel is having fun. She’s sweating, her face is flushed, but there’s a light in her gaze that I haven’t seen in a while. Sure, she’s happy—she enjoys motherhood, enjoys being with me and the bros—but what she’s doing now is creating art. I don’t think I’ve seen this much inspiration in her since before her pregnancy. It makes my heart swell.

Seth, of course, hates it all, but at least he puts up with it, and I don’t have to suffer for there long hours. After about an hour and a half of suffering in the heat, Susan claps her hands. “All right, that’s a wrap!” she calls, smiling brightly at the three of us. “Good work, Rachel.”


The hike down the mountain back to the cabin resort isn’t much better than spending hours in a coat in brutally hot weather, but at least I’m done with work for the rest of the weekend, and I can spend my time with Rachel and Seth. That is…if they’re not too tired. It’s about an hour walk down the mountain—better than the hike up in the heat. The sun is beginning to set in the distance. My stomach grumbles angrily, finally realizing I have hardly eaten anything the whole day due to the heat.

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