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Good question. “Morgan…was Morgan.”

I pull off my jacket and hang it up with the others, only to watch it slide down to the floor. With an exasperated sigh, I leave it there and follow Alex to two open treadmills near the back. His jacket, of course, remains on the hook.

“Actually,” I begin while stepping onto the treadmill, “she kinda gave me some advice.”

“Oh?” Alex bends forward, touching his palms to the treadmill, which is both hot, since he’s so bendy, and disgusting, given everyone’s shoes have touched that floor.

“Yeah, she showed me this personal training course I could take. It takes a couple of years. Hours are flexible. Pay may be good depending on if I can get clients.”

“Sounds great,” Alex says while rising. He pulls his arm to the front, stretching his shoulders. “Do you think you’ll do it?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I’ve never really been a people person.”

“But you like telling people what to do,” Alex says.

His smile always catches me off guard. I can feel my face flushing as he stares at me. “Yeah,” I breath. “I do.”

“I guess it depends on if you enjoy what you’re doing now.”

I groan. “I hate it. I hate it so much. It’s so boring and monotonous.”

“Well, I, for one, think you would be an amazing personal trainer. You could be mine.” He waggles his eyebrows at me, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Oh my God, stop,” I say while starting the treadmill, needing to run before I throw myself at him. Maybe that can be our next sex play—I can be the grumpy personal trainer and he can seduce me to have sex with him for…exercise.

My dick twitches at the thought. I quickly up the speed. I can’t get a boner at the gym. People come here to work out, not watch me and my boyfriend flirt.

“You should do it.”

I glance at Alex, noticing his pace is set 0.1 higher than mine. I quickly rectify my speed, making it so it’s 0.1 higher than his before saying, “Really?”

Alex nods. “Yeah. I don’t think you’ll hate it. It will be a good way for you to stay in the sports world. I know how much you miss it.”

“I don’t miss it that—”

“You totally miss it.”

“Have I really been that grumpy since the Olympics turned us down? Morgan says I’ve been in mourning.”

Alex chuckles. “Oh, you totally have. And it’s not a bad thing. It makes sense.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You didn’t answer the grumpy question.”

“I didn’t feel like getting into trouble.”

I would laugh, but I notice that Alex is upping his speed again. I up mine until it’s the same pace as his. We run alongside each other, both of us vying for the fastest pace, until finally all I can do is focus on my breath and what’s going through my head.

Being a personal trainer doesn’t sound that bad. I could come here and make some money on top of my hours at Fleet Feet. It would suck to be away from Maria and Rachel, but in the end, it would be worth it. After the courses, I would make more money and have less hours. I could even make my own hours. Honestly, it sounds like a dream.

All I need is to come up with the money for the courses. This probably means I need to take more shifts at Fleet Feet.

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